Pelosi Says That EC Vote Will Continue Wednesday Once Capitol Is Cleared For Use | Talking Points Memo

more like an Austin Powers villain, but without the charm or intelligence…



It’s going to take a while to sweep the capitol after unscreened rioters toting back packs and concealed weapons strolled in. it’s bad enough that they were trumpies, but they certainly could have included a foreign agent or two bringing in surveillance devices or even Novichok. After all, it was instigated by Putin’s puppet.


…and a vote on a 25th amendment removal tomorrow?


And Trump’s Twitter account suspended for 12h…

hmmmm… something may be afoot tonight.


3rd goomba on the left, who gets eaten by capybaras.

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There were pipe bombs, real or not, found outside of both the RNC and DNC today. I hope there are bomb sniffing dogs searching the building.

Just think next month will be the SOTU. I wonder how many Republicans will miss because of home confinement?


[quote=“playitagainrowlf, post:21, topic:202196, full:true”]

more like an Austin Powers villain, but without the charm or intelligence…


I looked up and found a list of Bond villain’s hencman/men/woman and I agree with the author of list that Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd were my favorites in Diamonds Are Forever.

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The Speaker’s letter is just right and strikes the somber tone that is necessary.


A Bond villains younger dumber brother?

Twitter has suspended the loser’s account for 12 hours after his incitement to riot remarks. I’m confident they’ll ban him altogether beginning January 20. They suspend users for a lot less than what he’s posted regularly.

Twitter said it was suspending the president’s Twitter feed for 12 hours — and possibly more if he did not delete his message — and threatened a permanent suspension if Mr. Trump violated its rules in the future. In doing so, the platform took away the president’s favorite method of communicating with his supporters directly, one he has used often since the election to spread false claims about widespread voter fraud.


You are a much kinder a person than I am, will tell you how many people are on my shit list when they finalize the number of fucking traitors that invaded the capitol today, plus the usual gang ofassholes

The word dipshit comes to mind.

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Democracy shall persist! God bless you.

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The elder Mrs Trump has lost her chief
Grissholm has resigned.

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After confirming the EC vote count, they might just as well move along to a 25A action. The dude has got to go.


I guess I’m thinking younger dumber second cousin, you know like from “that side of the family”.

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How would any know? When was the last time Steph tweeted anything?

Reporters say Cruz has been using this event to send more fundraising texts out.

Hi everyone. Been busy working all day . Anything noteworthy going on?

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