Pelosi Responds To AOC’s Criticism That She’s ‘Singling Out’ Women Of Color Reps

Well then, let me go on record as I’m personally quite disappointed with Nancy Pelosi. And I never thought I’d say that.

These are not normal times in the United States, or worldwide. Nancy is playing politics as usual, and that will quite possibly spell our doom. If she wants to chide fellow Democrats for actually demanding action, then maybe – just maybe – she’s wrong. And again, I never thought I would say that about Nancy Pelosi.


tell that to Pelosi, who trashed the four freshman WOC in an interview for taking a prinicipled stand against a bill that Pelosi wanted.

Pelosi’s “diversity is our strength” nonsense only applies to white members from Trump Country.


AOC won her primary behind the Working Families’ Party. Just like Tiffany Caban. who just won the Queens DA Primary. Neither is really a Democrat, or interested in being a Democrat. She is the one who is regularly outright disrespectful to her colleagues, including Pelosi. She has not a single legislative accomplishment. She is ignoring her large latino working class constituents to grandstand for her mostly white Instagram and Social Media following. Creating a lot of drama and self promotion is not going to earn the respect of her colleagues who are not Wall St or blue dogs. She kind of needs to grow up, unless the whole point is to just self promote.


Allies…people should think long and HARD about what that means…and what we are up against.

I was a Civil Rights veteran in the 1960s and I have heard these things and they all have validity.


Let’s find Common Ground and get to work. I have complained to my own wife so much about Pelosi that he probably believes that I dislike her twice as much as Trump…

This has remained in the emiliano4 Household…as I try to contribute to the discussion the Best Way I Know How.

It’s worse abroad than here…Cowboy the FUCK up.


good grief…why do you compare AOC to a sex pervert?

spoken like a true “southern strategy” Republican…


How shocked am I not that we get the ‘they are the real racists’ posts as soon as beloved Nancy is in the discussion. Keep calling them out AOC. Accepting the senate bill on the border money is beyond disgraceful. Not pushing forward with the impeachment inquiry is the ultimate sign of moral cowardice. Hell they haven’t even referred subpoenas to the courts yet. Do something, Nancy. Maybe then you won’t have so many pissed off dems.


Oh, yay! The left has started the Dem circular firing squad early this election cycle! Super-duper-double-plus-good-helpful!

Good God – grow up is right.


Yeah… I have no idea how you come to this conclusion, to be blunt. She supported Pelosi’s speakership. Saying she’s doing nothing when she’s arguably the most outspoken moral authority in the House is an odd claim. Just because what she’s saying is difficult to hear doesn’t mean it’s wrong. We have a lot to fix in our society; being honest about it will always get us further than staying in denial. She also faces a tremendous amount of bad faith bias from the right and center which will make legislation more difficult. Your argument feels like sour grapes nitpicking.


Two different votes. 4 Ds voted against the House version. The 91 Ds voted against the Senate version.


Pelosi kvetching to MoDo was inexcusable. I am very glad to see the subpeonas go out today.


“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” she told Dowd. “But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”

I don’t think Pelosi is racist, but this quote (from an interview with Maureen Dowd :roll_eyes:) has so much wrong IMO:

All these people have their public whatever

Echoes of Trump’s comment about Megyn Kelly during the GOP debate (blood coming out of her whatever)

“But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”

No “following” in the House, but they certainly have followers, oftentimes their own constituents and people who vote–anyhow are you supposed to have “following” in the House? Aren’t Reps supposed to be representing their constituents?


She does, but the “blue-dogs” aren’t as good at getting attention when they whine about it. Do you not recall some moderate “blue-dog” people trying to kick her out of her spot just recently?


I’m assuming you are joking. I was talking about what you said about keeping things private that are discussed around the dinner table and making an analogy. I’m sure you’re not serious.

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Good riddance. The Republicans purged their party, and notice who’s in charge. It didn’t hurt them.

We can and should do the same.

People straddling the middle are seen, accurately, as opportunists who believe in nothing so much as being reelected at any cost to morality.


Is that a joke? That is not what I said.


I’m with you. I have been a staunch supporter of Pelosi but this was beyond problematic. I am not sure she played this right.


And who supported her then? A-fucking-OC.

And in repayment, Nancy is taking the side of the blue dogs over one of the people who made sure she stayed in power.


“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.”
–Will Rogers

Apparently what was true in the 1930s is still true today.


LibTards really like tHe flaVor oF LibTards. Yum. DelisH.