Pelosi Narrowly Re-Elected As House Speaker After Divisive Vote | Talking Points Memo

Who is Alan Fram and why is he saying these things?


Wow… the fifth-most powerful role within the caucus. He’s currently sitting behind…

Pelosi - 80
Hoyer - 81
Clyburn - 80

Tell me again about all of this power he’s wielding?


It’s almost as if you didn’t understand that the Democratic caucus, as a whole, re-elected Madam Speaker. They had other options, but they went with this one. But I suppose, they could just be slavishly voting for Nancy because she told them to do that.


I’ll warrant that @hornblower was referring (once again) to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.


Pelosi really has been the perfect foil to Trump and Republicans the past two years, her strategies have been smart and she’s done a good job to pass effective legislation (pretty much all of which was killed by McConnell because he knew that a lot of it would pass the Senate if it was put to a vote). I think she’s going to be necessary for the next two years to help steer the course as Republicans attempt to sabotage Biden…remember, she was the real force that pushed Obamacare over the finish line in the end, so I bet she’s doing the same things again now.

And, it also should be her last term as Speaker…not because she’s old, but because they need to start getting new leadership into position to take over. I really think they should start shuffling out some of the leadership team, one by one, as the term goes on, and bringing in people like Jeffries and Schiff, or whoever will be the new leadership team. Make it a two year mission to build the party leadership, and work their asses off to keep the House in 2022, and then she can step aside confident that things will continue. And, have some time to herself, at 82 in 2022 she won’t have a lot of years left to enjoy herself.

It’s going to be a critical House term, so having experienced leadership is important, but the health of the party requires planning for the future, and building up a team that can win elections.


breaking news
good for Nancy., now she should go after trump for the hour long phone call to GA sec of state to somehow find 11700 votes along with a nicely worded threat he just pulled off.
Someone taped it and just released it.
Call it a Ukrainian phone call 2.0
absolutely criminal.


He should have said so. Proper names will always carry the day. But in fact AOC supported her as reported in this story and elsewhere in Web reporting


Look, you can tell me that you support Pelosi as Speaker and you’re entitled to that opinion. But don’t condescend to me.

You act as if there was any viable option. Please, lecture me how exactly the entire power structure of the party can be upended overnight? How Representatives might sign their own death warrants by going against party leadership, virtually guaranteeing a primary challenge from a DCCC-funded candidate next election cycle.

Either you don’t understand how the sausage is actually made, or you’re being intellectually dishonest. The reins of the party are firmly in the hands of those in power currently until they choose to cede them. Pretending like the outcome of the vote is indicative of anything other than this fact is absurd.

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It’d have more of an impact if someone from his party, one of the sheeple as we call them around here, would take him on about this. She is the opposition after all, not an ally of all things trumPPian.


Re: new blood
Well, I was hoping that Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) would one day move to the Speakership, but when a Senate seat went vacant, he decided to make the jump to the “higher” chamber. Ben Ray had been, if I recall correctly, the third most powerful Representative. He also headed the D triple C in 2018, the breakout year for Democratic takeovers.

Well, maybe one day he can displace Schumer and dare we hope, Moscow Mitch McConnell.


Gee, I hope no one decides to put you out-to-pasture when you turn…55-56 years old.
Now that I am closer to 70 than 60, I realize I wouldn’t have been able to stand my 25 year old self- no matter how brilliant I thought I was. And…I still listen to my 91 year old Mom…she’s still rather smart for-her-age.


He’s the caucus leader.

It must suck for you, fighting the same damn war, seeking the same cycle of accolades; all the while


Come again, bring a friend

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Not holding the single most powerful role within our caucus is now “being put out to pasture” now? What an absolute straw-man of an argument.

Any acknowledgement of the need to cultivate the next generation of leaders is now a complete repudiation and affront to those still holding power? What?

Also, we’re not talking about 55-56. We’re talking about EIGHTY.


Take a few minutes, look around and find Pelosi’s bio. It’s remarkable and much of it has to do with being a staunch supporter of President Obama when he was trying to get the ACA passed in the face of repub opposition and her long term opposition to anything trumPP. Her long record of accomplishments is why she was reelected Speaker again and perhaps for the last time.


She’s wishing for Pelosi and Schumer to go, I’m wishing for a pony. No, make that a unicorn.


yes it would.
my enthusiasm just dropped 75%.
at least get it out there all over the place in his own voice.
maybe change a few minds or keep some of the sheeple from going to the polls in disgusted shame. lol

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He is the fifth ranked member of House leadership. This is a fact, not an opinion.

Current DPCC co-chair moves up to No. 5 in leadership

Sounds like you just wanna bitch at every comment that isn’t agreeable with yours. Carry on.


I listened to it earlier today, about four minutes of complete wackadoodle with an overlay of rage and condescension.

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