As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced new masking guidelines for vaccinated people, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Thursday that she didn’t intend to lift a House masking requirement where vaccinations have not been completed.
Bill Maher is going to miss his first show ever because of a positive covid test. He’s fine. No symptoms. He’s vaccinated. But obliviously, they feel he can still spread it.
The ractionaries’ve already made it clear that other people’s death and disability don’t mean a lot to them.
Now, they’re staking out the position that they should have the freedumb to cause those misfortunes, without added consequence to themselves.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) suggested that Pelosi was seeking “control” in the decision after the CDC said that Americans who have been vaccinated can safely unmask indoors.
Can someone please tell Steve what the duties are for Speaker of the House?
The House contains a fairly large body of people. While they may not meet all together all the time, seems that masking might still be a CDC guideline given their numbers (435) when they do.
Kudos to Pelosi for calling out the vaccination part of it though.
These Rotting Mango wannabees from NC and GA may with a little luck end up with the same, or please Odin, an improved version of the 'Rona. That little virus isn’t afraid to do what the GQP should have done to her.
Not taking mine off, either. Same reasons. How the fuck are you supposed to tell whether that unmasked person is fully vaccinated or a denying motherfucker who can’t wait to spit in your face?
Shame on KY Gov. Andy Beshear for telling people they can take their mask off if they are vaccinated. That’s barely 41 percent here in Kentucky, so more than half the unmasked assholes you expose yourself to are not only not vaccinated, they are developers of new and more powerful variants and spreaders of the same.
I read a few articles yesterday that mentioned people should still wear masks in “crowded” situations indoors, but there is actually nothing on the CDC site that mentions crowds (unless I missed it, see link below). I don’t think Pelosi can rely on that as a reason.
I like what she’s doing in a “stick it to the R’s” sense, but this isn’t tenable in the long term. She’s never going to get the entire House vaccinated. At some point she’s going to have to drop this, and it might be better if she does it soon, to avoid non-R public blowback against the Biden administration.
Another argument that I can’t believe I haven’t heard is that none of the vaccines are 100% effective–Shirley, we haven’t collectively forgotten that already!?!