House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) threw cold water on the idea of impeaching Attorney General Bill Barr on Thursday, saying that she is not going to “spend all of our time going after every lie the administration henchmen make to the Congress of the United States.”
Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought. Evidence now clearly shows that the Mueller Scam was improperly brought & tainted. Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress!
I can’t even imagine how much more damage Barr can do by March 31st. The next Dem president cannot be allowed to ‘look forward, not back’. Regardless the political cost, this must be reckoned with immediately.
I have no idea why Pelosi is opposed to impeachment investigations. It was immediately after Mueller wrapped that they ramped up the Ukraine pressure. Right after impeachment ends, they ramp up this craziness. When they’re under investigation they do less of this crazy shit. Open the investigations.
I agree with the Speaker but she can’t win a fight against Barr for exactly the reasons she’s displeased with him. If these guys are to go down the Democrats will have to take the Senate, hold onto the House and boot Trump. Then call these assholes in and dare them to pull the shit they’re pulling now. If they lie…hold them in contempt. Prosecute and jail them. That’s what the Rule of Law calls for. But right now that rule is in suspension so now is not the time.
That’s all very well, and maybe it’s too late now to “cue” the Brigade of Mindless Defenders as well – but if you actually see some benefit in her saying what she said, can you elaborate? (Thanks.)
PeLosi DEEPly damageD the RULE OF law by FOmenting A phoney hOAx witch HUNT RussiaN COllusion. UKrain and DEMs were THE collUSION. Barr ONLY HELP TRump GET reveNGE on EMEnys thaT did the COLLusion. THEY can BE spOTTED arouND ANN ARBOr and LOTS in WDC. WolverINEs. BARR is TRUmps WOLVERINE! DRAIN that SWAmp wolverine!!!
I think it’s pretty obvious Trump and Co. wouldn’t be this brazen or ballsy if the House impeachment inquiry were still ongoing with subpoenas being fought over.
Pelosi Says Barr ‘Deeply Damaged The Rule Of Law,’ But Dismisses Impeaching Him
The reality is that is waste of time, Americans don’t care about it. In other places there would have been huge riots by now. But Americans, as long as there is beer in the fridge and shows in Netflix, they don’t really care who runs this country.
Except among the readers of political blogs and a few (very few) Democrats in Congress there is no stomach for another high-level impeachment proceeding, particularly as there is no evidence that Republicans in the Senate would take a new one with any more seriousness than they took the last.
Want to get Barr out of office (and maybe into wearing a jumpsuit)? Beat his boss.