While they prepared to filibuster the bill to set up a January 6 commission, many Republicans senators cited the coming report from two Senate committees as evidence that there would still be a fulsome investigation without the commission.
It will never be enough until the people inside the Capitol who aided and abetted the insurrectionists are named, drummed out of our Congress, and prosecuted for treason.
This can never be allowed to be “put to bed” … it can’t be swept away by the GOP saying “oh, enough of that talk … time to move on”
they are denying & obstructing - because - if the total truth comes out in a full exposure way - it will criminally implicate a BUNCH of GOPers who were into this up to their armpits
Look at how FOX is trying to embargo discussion and information on this subject -
Thank you Brian Williams for sharing our ad that Fox “News” doesn’t want their viewers to see pic.twitter.com/VIgDC0rdod
It is time for the Democrats to do what the Republicans would have done, what they did do with Bengazi, appoint a select committee without regard to any Republican requests.
So what if it seems partisan, the media will have to cover it and it will be far worse for Republicans then had they supported a commission.
It is past time for Democrats to put aside bipartisan aspirations when one side is actively trying to overthrow the Government you are currently in charge of.
While I have generally approved of Pelosi’s performance as Speaker, her dithering on this issue is getting old fast. Forget the independent commission–not only will it never attract ten Republican votes in the Senate (did Nazis vote for an independent investigation of the Reichstag Fire?), Pelosi was apparently so determined to create it that, frankly, she gave away far too much to Republicans and doomed it to irrelevance anyway. Create a select committee and create it now! And no more Mr. Nice Guy–create it by cutting and pasting the rules governing the Benghazi committee. (IOW, the Republicans on the committee will be a small impotent minority, though I’m sure Kevin McCarthy will appoint enough Bozos to spill out of the clown car to do their best to turn the committee into a farce.) Will Republicans shamelessly and hypocritically argue that the committee is unfair and partisan? Sure, but why should we or Pelosi give a crap anymore?
Pelosi Continues Push For Senate To Pass Jan. 6 Commission As GOP Declares New Report Enough
Respectfully, you really think that Speaker Pelosi doesn’t have a Select Committee strategy already in place? The longer and more intransigent the GQP acts trying to ignore the T**** Insurrection, the weaker they will become, and the better the 2022 campaign ads will be for the Dems. If nothing else, her job is on the line, with Qevin McCarthy as the successor stuff of nightmares.
I firmly believe she’ll get us through this successfully.
The only reason Nancy is being coy is because the House Committee will be a partisan committee and she wants to appear reluctant. We saw her do this before, on the first impeachment. I didn’t get it then. Now I do since I’ve seen her do it before.
Also, she’s colluding with Schumer to keep the heat on the Republicans. Can make them vote on it every time they want to whack them over the head with it.
Too bad Pelosi doesn’t just start holding hearings on the matter immediately, and with subpoena power too, eh? Ugh. Get on with it and stop pandering to the idiots that fomented the insurrection in the first place might be the best place to start from rather than whimping out (again).