The Senate should not go forward with impeachment until the ground, air, proxy and guerrilla war with Iran and Iraq is finished and our Saudi overlords and their messiah Mo Bone Saw (PBUH) is declared Caliph.
I hope a House Committee calls him in right away. As a first order of business they should first slap him around (metaphorically) for being the coward who sent his staffers off to complain to “legal” and not coming forward to testify alongside them in answer to prior requests. Then, he must tell every damn thing he knows.
Busy doing what? Watching FOX news? That is not part of a president’s job duties.
Bolton will demand that every congress critter first read his book before he appears.
His idea of “busy” is not ours. But it probably includes planning rallies where he’ll talk about washing machines and flush toilets and in general sharing his “great and unmatched wisdom” with the rest of us.
There is not going to be an acquittal. Even McConnell is afraid it could backfire on his re-election campaign now that Trump Screwed the Pooch in Iraq.
Republicans have been even more silent than the White House over this assassination debacke. Kellyanne was so sure this clandestine killing would make Trump the War President that 911 made W. But there was no attack or even evidence of an eminent threat. If there had been, the Pentagon, White House and Nunes would have held a press conference by now to present it.
What’s really clear is that Trump did not think our troops could beat that Iranian general on the battlefield.
The world is indicating today that they, too, do not respect our military personnel by either closing their air space to the 3,500 soldier dispatched by Trump, barring them from our own military bases in their countries or closing our embassies and sending our forces home who had already been stationed there like those in Baghdad.
Donald has really made a mess of it this time for Congressional Republicans. They can’t say anything without making the situation worse for Trump and themselves. Our troops are being treated like leapers around the world because of Trump committing another felony and tried to make himself look like a Big Shot by acting like a Russian Mafia hood.
What kind of Commander-in-Chief puts his troops in such a position?
A stupid and insane Commander-in-Chief.
This story screams:
“This is why I put more American troops at risk.”
Did anybody watch the Golden Globes awards last night? One standout moment I’ll put up before I return to my life is what Michelle Williams (most talented and most underrated, least appreciated actor in Hollywood) said. She implored women
to vote “in your own self-interest.”
“It’s what men have been doing for years, which is why the world looks so much like them,” she said. “But don’t forget we are the largest voting body in this country. Let’s make it look more like us.”
O you stole my heroine.
That was the most amazing thing - she stands up there pregnant and strikes a blow for choice. It was beautiful.
Toddler sees mommy approaching to spank him for kicking the dog so he hurls his glass of milk on the floor so she’ll have to stop and clean it up while he runs away.
It’s hard to try to shame someone who knows no shame. I mean, Linz’s about face on Trump is as pathetic a turn as I’ve ever seen.
Have you called her office? Have you told you friends to call her office?
The only way to move these folks is to let them know their future is on the line.
No fucking around. 'Support a full hearing with witnesses and then vote on the facts."
Let them know you expect nothing less and make sure you and all will be watching now, and in November.
Well before we get to the Senate impeachment Oath I would like it confirmed that the Oath that these Republican members of Congress swore to party over people is trumped by their Senate Oath and Impeachment Oath.
Have any prominent Dems yet accused Trump of “wagging the dog”… or made the obvious point that he has now gone completely insane – engaging in acts of war without regard to the consequences of his actions on Americans at home and abroad?
I mean how bad does it have to get before our leaders (including those aspiring to be the democratic nominee for President) say the obvious?
One of the annoying things abiut McSally is she will not respond to constituents. An email gets a canned reply… generally three to four months down the road. Faxes are ignored altogether. Town halls lately do not exist. The last town hall I am aware of took place way in a southern corner of her district at a very small church hall that could seat maybe 25 people. About 300 showed up and there was no place to park. I did get to see some of her interaction on youtube later on. She was defensive, combative and clearly uncomfortable. And this was probably 3 years ago when she was a lowly House member and not a high falutin’ senator. Clearly McSally does not want to be seen or heard right now, especially from an annoying gadfly like me.
I’ve loved every film she’s made but esp. Fosse/Verdon.
I’m also thrilled that Once Upon A Time. . . in Hollywood did so well, my favorite film this year, and so much better than The Irishman which took 31/2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.
Right now McSally is behind Mark Kelly by 5 points according to realclearpolitics data. He is almost out of the statistical error range!!
Phone calls are better than other methods of communication because you will reach an aide who will convey a message. However, it’s still up to the senator to listen. No R up for reelection, esp. one being pursued by Mark Kelly is going to willingly make an appearance.
Literally yes. See Americans for Tax Reform, The Federalist Society, and the NRA “report card.”
Party orthodoxy starts there, but inevitably leads to our enemies by way of corruption.