My experience has been any time a bombshell thread starts with an animated GIF of Jon Stewart eating popcorn, the bombshell is a dud!
It’s never failed.
Will no one investigate John Solomon? I understand that was with The Hill and that after the fact the editorial board marked his stuff as “opinion”, but didn’t he have to run these columns by anyone? This just seems shoddy journalism.
This stuff is mind blowing, yet over on, Lev Parnaz doesn’t exist. No wonder this country is so screwed up when you have 30% of it’s people who will only get their news from one source. Scary…
Rachael interviews Parnas and trump is skewered I hear. Gotta watch.
Mitch McConnell will make everything all right, just you wait and see.
Some of the conditions attached to Lutsenko providing information – like Yovanovitch’s removal – would not have been within Parnas’ power to fulfill.
I’d suspect the other guy — the orange-faced guy — in the pictures ; - )
Thanks,, for keeping us informed in nearly real time. Also, I saw you on Chris Hayes – great presentation.
The media and discussion groups overlook why Ambassador Yanovich, Coronel Vindmin, Parnas, etc are involved. Not only do they speak English but also speak Russian/Ukranian.
Their language skills are necessary/required to deal with parties in that part of the world. To make sure interactions among parties are truly transparent.
The GOP has fallen so far, become so lawless that there is literally nothing a GOP president could do that would result in a GOP Senate conviction. It wouldn’t matter if a rethuglican president was recorded while plotting the assassination of his political opponent; it would be shrugged off by a GOP Senate as “just politics”. We’re in completely uncharted waters and the GOP is happy to dash the ship of state upon the rocks as long as the GOP retains power.
Important perspective re-Parnas’ possible motivations for speaking now from Marcy Wheeler: