The original constitution had the three-fifths compromise, didn’t give women the right to vote, and so on. Anyone supporting originalism is ipso facto supporting racism, sexism, and slavery. Hell, even the original authors of the Constitution weren’t originalists - if they had been, they wouldn’t have included a process for amending the Constitution, or left the details and implementation of the Constitution up to legislation and executive bureaucracy.
The vote is good news for Jackson’s chances of joining the highly regarded appellate court: thanks to then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) going nuclear on the filibuster in 2013, it only takes a simple majority to confirm judicial nominees.
It’s true, Matt. But what can be done when one party at it’s core doesn’t want government to work (indeed they run on the idea that government doesn’t work and then set out to prove it once elected), and there is no compromise to be had?
Doing nothing results in what Josh called the “drift” a few days ago. I’m a bit disillusioned at this point, but not completely so. I keep telling myself that this will play out in a way that pushes action in the face of inaction to the forefront, but that my impatience is what’s driving my disillusionment and not that the Democrats don’t have a plan.
I spoke to a member of Congress (House) a few days ago for a little while and we went down this road in our discussion. They assured me that they have a plan, but to be patient.
“Originalism” is not so big a con that its proponents haven’t been able to incorporate all those constitutional amendments into their theory. It doesn’t just mean “1787.”
“Critical race theory” is the Tickle Me Elmo of the moment, the only difference being that all the kids who wanted a Tickle Me Elmo really did care about it.
Fucking Libtards. Slavery wasn’t good enough for them, now indentured servantry isn’t enough. If we don’t stop it, soon companies will have to pay living wages and not rely on government programs like medicaid to subsidize low labor costs and shift them onto taxpayers.
They are making such a huge thing out of a 4% increase at Chipotle, but completely ignore the fact that Chipotle has raised prices at least 3 times since last September, totaling over 20%, due to rising deliveries squeezing their profit margin. Obviously that’s ok because they are raising rates to increase their profit margin, not to pay a more equitable wage.
O yes it is. And if they aren’t careful (narrator: they are never careful) they will overreach on this way too early. It will ultimately get explained in such a way as to make them look like the racist assholes they are. But they are riding this hobby horse for all they are worth right now.
Take a look at how divided the votes were on recent Supreme Court judicial confirmations. They sure weren’t bipartisan even with the filibuster. Clarance Thomas was approved with a 52-47 vote. Gorsuch was 54-45
Pabst Blue Kavanagh was 50-48 and of course Covey Barrett 52-48 in support. These are judges who obviously have the nations well being and democracy in their hands.
As they should. The poor CEO only made a measly $16 million in 2019. Nobody can afford a megayacht on a pittance like that.
We need to stop subsidizing the labor, and refocus our energy on the job creators. It’s not the person in front of you making your burrito that makes the business work, it’s the CEO, CFO and the rest sitting around a table looking at charts that make the business.