Paltry GOP Support For Jackson Previews Party’s Refusal To Support Biden SCOTUS Noms


By Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

  Does it dry up
  like a raisin in the sun?
  Or fester like a sore—
  And then run?
  Does it stink like rotten meat?
  Or crust and sugar over—
  like a syrupy sweet?
  Maybe it just sags
  like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?


And never forget, their children being property.


Agreed:if if it’s really so important, I’m content to say that, if there was a reactionary breathing in the room where the vote was held, it was bipartisan.
Just get on with the business of getting things we need done.


OT—but a big deal.



These guys beg to differ.

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As is most of the christo-fascist GQP.


This just in…water is wet.

GOP is never going to vote to confirm a Supreme Court Justice selected by a Democrat POTUS ever again. They will stall and make excuses while Roberts sits cuckolded on the sides. There is nothing to stop them from doing this now that Mitch stole (2) seats. They are all in now for going for the full bench whether it’s 9 or 13.

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I do love the GOP’s presumption that only the liberals on the Court are going to die. Suppose Roberts or Thomas or … kick the bucket.

And Biden says “Since an election is coming up, I will not nominate anyone.” And the balance of the Court starts to change…

Just as long as Biden’s picks for SCOTUS get confirmed I could give a rat’s ass how “bipartisan” it is or isn’t.


Did Republicans care about Democratic support when they put Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court?

Did Republicans care about Democratic support when they denied a seat to Merrick Garland and rushed Coney Barrett’s confirmation to repiace a Democratic and feminist hero?


Then fuck them. I don’t give a flying fuck about GOP support, and neither should any other Democrat.


But for a potential future promotion, it bodes ill for fervent cheerleaders of bipartisanship.

Fuck bipartisanship. It has no inherent value anyway. And for Republicans it means they get to decide what gets done and what doesn’t get done. And since they fundamentally believe that government’s only function is to protect the wealth of their constituents and their power and that government should play no role in improving ordinary people’s lives, there is no compromise to be had. Fuck them.


Minor correction. Hope you don’t mind.

Murkowski has been pretty independent of the GOP ever since she won as a third-party write-in candidate.

So, no one should be flabbergasted if she votes for a Biden SCOTUS nominee, especially if she isn’t the deciding vote.


Scratches head over the total coincidence that all of the closest votes on Biden nominees have been for minority females. Can’t be racism, that’s been dead since 2012, per Chief Justice Roberts.


Why? Manchin ain’t gonna break filibuster for it, so who cares how many bills Pelosi passes?

Now I “wonder” why the Framers put that in the Constitution in the first place?

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No guarantee that he/she/they will. Not while filibuster is still an option.

Remember the GOP whole POTUS election plan isn’t to win by popular vote (something they haven’t accomplished in nearly 30 years) it’s to get close to 270 Electoral College votes and then throw it to SCOTUS for final victory ala Bush v. Gore.

That’s the only way they can win in the future (on top of the vote suppression). They are all in now.


Sigh. The simple truth is a pretty big swathe of the public, including of D voters, continues to be frustrated and disappointed that Congress doesn’t work in a bipartisan and obviously far more efficient way for the good of the people. Biden must, for political purposes, which means in order to do his job, maintain the polite fiction that this might be possible again some day. He knows the score far better than the public; for Christ’s sake he was Obama’s VP and saw it every day. He doesn’t say when or how the bipartisanship might return. He knows the GOP are pure obstructionists implacably committed to denying him any success of any kind. Most people in national politics know all this. Many are willing to pretend otherwise for their own political purposes. And here we are. Just don’t overestimate the number of people in politics who are truly naive about it. That number is low.


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Chuck Grassley

Bruce Braley is a prophet.

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Now you’re speaking originalist.