Paladino: No Mosque Wherever The 9/11 Human Remain Dust Cloud Landed (VIDEO) | Talking Points Memo

Carl Paladino, the tea party-backed underdog victor in last night’s Republican gubernatorial primary in New York, appeared on CNN this afternoon, and spent most of the time explaining his opposition to the proposed Cordoba House Muslim community center near Ground Zero. Host Rick Sanchez grilled Paladino on the legal grounds for his pledge to, if elected, use eminent domain to stop the project. And Paladino ended up defining the area in which he would prohibit projects like Cordoba House. Anywhere where the pulverized remains of 9/11 victims settled, he said, should be off limits to projects like Cordoba House.First, Sanchez asked Paladino to explain his opposition to the project (he’s called the proposed center a “monument to those who attacked America”) and its leaders.

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