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MAGA world is nucking futs.
Well at least the OZHOLE didn’t include the local priest or megachurch pulpit pimp in his response.
I’m still emotional about last night’s debate between Fetterman and Oz.
It was difficult to watch, and I’m not going to lie. I was hoping (but I wasn’t expecting) for Fetterman to do well in the debate.
He did not do well in the Primary debates last spring. Even before the stroke, it’s just not his strength…but that didn’t matter to the overwhelming majority of people who voted for him in that Primary election last May.
What really should save that seat for the Democrats is the idea of keeping that seat away from a Trump loving, non-Pennsylvanian, sleezy television personality, Turkish citizen, who thinks that Philadelphia is a hell-hole, and doesn’t give a fuck about Pennsylvanians. There absolutely is not one good or altruist reason why Mehmet Oz wants to be a Senator in any state…let alone in a state where he doesn’t even live.
I didn’t vote for John Fetterman in the primary, but I’m proud to support him now.
Whatever his current (and temporary) disabilities are, John loves Pennsylvania. John loves Pennsylvanians and knows the state. He’s in this battle for the right reasons, and last night he bravely showed us his current (and temporary) disabilities.
Mehmet Oz is a charlatan. And just like Trump, who he said that he would support in 2024, only loves himself and his own possessions. Now he wants to possess Pennsylvania.
On a lighter note, it has been fun reading twitter’s responses to Oz’s stance on abortion rights…
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it.
I waNT a seaT on thIS babY deaTH paNEL oz taLKS about!
Our neighborhood is pretty much run by all the immigrant labor doing the yard work and misc home repairs, along with the Amazon delivery drivers. Not sure where they stand on abortion, but they seem nice enough.
I think what many people miss is that the “political leaders” decision beats the woman and her doctors decision every time. It’s not two votes out of three, it’s one out of three.
Something upbeat
Yes, This Is Great News For Democrats | Crooks and Liars
Rachel Maddow points out that voter turnout in 2022 is surpassing presidential election levels. Let’s GOOO!
Dr. Oz wants Generation X white women to have another baby. The Social Security taxes paid by Generation O for Oopsie, will be used to leave us in Generation X holding the bag, while financing income tax and capital gains cuts for the memory vitamin salesmen of the world.
The rethug party draws attention to Fetterman’s stroke, which he’s recovering from. Grassley is 89 and never getting younger.
Todd Young is one of my Senators. Yes, he is a pandering moron.
Too bad. So sad.
A Florida lawyer who passionately fought against state laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets was killed in a motorcycle crash while not wearing a helmet. Ron Smith, 66, was heading to a memorial service for another biker in August when he crashed his bike as he tried to slow for traffic in front of him. His 62-year-old girlfriend, Brenda Jeanan Volpe, who was a passenger on the bike, was also killed. She too was not wearing a helmet. Smith—who was a member of the Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments—represented clients who broke Florida’s motorcycle rules in cases which some say ultimately helped to overturn the state’s helmet requirement in 2000. “He thought everybody should have their own choice,” his friend Dave Newman said.
It could make some great pics for an ad: from a woman’s perspective on the table, with a doctor and several stereotypical politicians peering up at her.
If BUT HIS STROKE becomes the new BUT HER EMAILS used to elect an unqualified moron to a national audience, I swear to god… The GOP can’t keep getting away with this bullshit.
The Fetter Man will represent your state wonderfully, and if he has health issues they’ll be treated with the superior health care he’ll receive. Just like all the others. Please, people of PA, don’t fall for the grift.