With Elmo driving.
How did Cleta Mitchell manage not to get indicted for anything? (of course, if she had, she’d still be at large like the rest…but still…she’s been so much a sower of insurrection…) I mean, who could put it plainer – civil rights and voting rights have no place in a justice department for MAGA? That’s who and what we’ve allowed to commandeer the halls of power. It’s gonna be a helluva lift to get this country back up after we’ve fallen this low. And it’s not clear we even know how to begin in the current information environment. Our whole previous history seems to have become kind of quaint at this point.
Let the grift begin. And they have nothing but the best interests of the MAGA morons in mind.
And it will be Biden’s fault! Or Obama’s. Or Hillary’s.
Anybody but you know who. He is perfect. The picture of manly manliness!
P.S. Everyone knows the answer is “more tax cuts!”
I’m voting for a Hurricane hitting Mar-A-Lago at high tide.
Very ominous words from Clita Mitchell. To get rid of all the experienced civil rights and voting rights lawyers at DOJ because they don’t correspond to her idea of a loyal trumper. Disgusting. Horrendous. Seriously damaging.
That was Fucker Carlson.
The “Mother” and “Mommy” thing (well, “Mother”) is a relic of an earlier time, when (in many families) a wife also called or referred to her husband, esp. when speaking to their children, “Father” (“Daddy,” probably not). Say, from the 2nd half of the 19th c. well into the 20th – the ideology of “the separate spheres.” For instance, family cemetery plots were often arranged around the parents’ gravestones, which bore the headings “Mother” and “Father.” Reagan’s use of “Mommy” instead of “Mother” was weird (her children might call her Mommy as well as Mother, but her husband?) but otherwise marked him as old (as we knew he was) and old-fashioned (an affectation? I don’t think so). By contrast, Pence’s “Mother” has always struck me as just plain weird, given his age. Reagan was born in 1911, Pence in 1959. There’s also Pence’s hang up about meeting privately with a woman not his wife even in a professional context.
Footnote: I just bothered to read a bit about Mike’s wife Karen and their daughter Charlotte. Actually pretty interesting people, in addition to seeming very decent.
Is it Clita oris it Cleta?
And now, this:
Good luck with that. Dems haven’t been known for their spine, first, and second, all of the channels of guardrails are entirely down. Protests will be met swiftly and sternly. Not gonna happen.
My misspelling was intentional. I’m glad you noticed!
She doesn’t understand that justice and loyalty are different things
Even better scenario would be a bolt out of the blue.
I remember it well.
civil rights and voting rights
Is there anything those MAGA people aren’t afraid of?
The whole show is doubt, fear and ignorance, and not necessarily in that order.
I remember it well.
I remember being told “Just wait till your father gets home,” or more likely, “I’m going to talk to your father about this when he gets home,” which was effective in getting me to change my behavior or just disappear from my mother’s presence. But, though I was sometimes spanked, spanking was never delayed. (And it was always pretty half-hearted.)
My misspelling was intentional, too!