Operation Warp Speed is set to miss the first distribution goal it laid out, Trump administration officials said last week, saying that getting the vaccines to people has been “slower than we thought it would be.”
The first vaccine out of the gate had nothing to do with OWS. And then, once Pfizer and the other manufacturers are doing a good job on their own in producing doses, the Trump administration smokes a few joints and ties its shoelaces together and faceplants the distribution. Utterly predictable.
I’m starting to feel strangely confident. The Biden people don’t have to be anything more than in the average range to be vastly more effective than this sorry gang.
I’m with you. Texas didn’t get as much as promised but we have doses that still haven’t been administered too. They are moving in the state as fast as they can.
So for me, this is what I think happens on 21 January 2021:
This will be a priority for Biden. It may well be one of the first things he does. He sits down on a Zoom meeting with all the parties involved and asks the prime question, ‘what do we do to fix this?’.
The parties all give their answers - most of it having to do with funding, is my first bet because it’s not a matter of product availability.
He then goes on national TV with an address to cover all the possibilities and set new goals and targets, gets Congress behind it (good luck to Mitch, if he blocks this one) and things get moving on a reasonable schedule.
A million vaccinated is nothing to sneeze at, but we could’ve done better and we must.
This is the cornerstone for getting the economy moving again. If the GOP thinks this is a good time to be obstructionists, they’re going to find out the hard way that they would be wrong.
Every time I see the words ‘Operation Warp Speed’ I am reminded that we are paying to be robbed by dolts.
This has been going on since Shock and Awe. What kind messed up people need a movie title for killing the innocent.
The GOP are deadheads that have been allowed to remain near the money because they inherited it. A collection of stooges, throwbacks, snake handlers and sociopaths.
This is why these shitstains wouldn’t share their info with the Biden team at the beginning of the “transition” process since it would show that they had done zilch, nada, zero, etc. in planning for this moment.