Only Seven of Stanford’s First 5,000 Vaccines Were Designated for Medical Residents | Talking Points Memo

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This is what happens when you allow each individual institution to figure out who gets vaccinated. A lack federal leadership means that a lot of people who don’t immediately need a vaccine are going to get it, and some people who are constantly exposed won’t get it until later. And, there won’t be social justice in some places that considers the poor workers (in both definitions of poor) who are stuck out there working but who won’t get the vaccination before “more important” people do. I can imagine that in some places in America political or social influence will affect who gets the vaccine instead of need.

It’s just one more way the Trump administration abdication of doing anything to lead on COVID is letting Americans down.


The way this vaccine will be distributed says a lot about class structure in the US.


I can only imagine how the selection is going to go at Liberty Biberty University.

And good old Trump U.


Algorithm schmalgortithm. Somebody wrote that algorithm and until that someone is identified and questioned, I don’t believe Stanford.


Uh-huh. “Faulty algorithm”. That’s probably what Trump blamed it on every time he couldn’t get a hard-on.

But I’ll bet that execrable motherfucker Scott Atlas at the Hoover Institution got a shot.


and how long ago that someone was in conversation with Scot Atlas


Like I’ve said elsewhere, there is something seriously wrong with the protocol for administering the vaccines. I really want to know if there (1) were any criteria , and (2), who was responsible for providing the aforementioned protocol?

I attribute this to total incompetence, until I read anything else that is authoritative. Until then, I offer SNAFU, and FUBAR. Something the Army “Operation Warp Speed” should understand. But, I am starting to believe that the Army was a convenient (and willing) “sucker.”


It was always going to be like with, especially with Trump in charge. Rich, powerful, connected and notable people were always going to get it first whether they merited it or not. That’s the kind of country we live in. We’re on the Trumptanic and the bejeweled types are rushing for the lifeboats and tossing out old people, the handicapped and children to secure themselves a place. This won’t change till Biden takes over, but by then the damage will have been done.


Just proving once again that entitlement exists everywhere

“This is the final straw to say, ‘We don’t actually care about you.’”

This guy has been a resident for how long? And he just figured this out? I got there by around noon the first day of internship. Stanford must be a whole other deal than the fershlugginer institutions I went to.

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The CEO has a reservation at the French Laundry Room, you peasants. The waitstaff are also at the front of the list.

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“Don’t blame us, it was the computer.”
Us proles will be hearing this phrase a lot in the coming decades.


I appreciate how Stanford, naive and unsophisticated little clinic that it is, can not simply scrap the computer’s alogrithm and say “Right - looking at the call sheets these last 3 weeks, it seems that x,y and m followed by the support staff will be first in line.”


Admit it, max, you covet a Trump U sweatshirt, ironic hipster that you are.

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Here’s lifeboat one off the Titanic approaching the Carpathia - with 12 people on a boat with a capacity for 40. 2 women, 10 men - including Lady Duff Gordon and her husband.


Unless we have evidence that the vaccine has prophylactic effect (e.g. it entirely makes the recipient immune to infection AND to spreading it), Stanford is actually applying the best return on investment strategy here.

Until we can establish that those who are vaccinated are more than immune from infection AND actually incapable of spreading it. It is only ethical to prioritize those who are more at risk to hospitalization, complications and death.

Once the vaccine is deployed further, data will emerge to uncover whether it also prevents spread. If it appears to do so, the priority list will get turned upside down to reorient priority to those apt to be more highly exposed.

The phrase I’m hearing a lot of these days is an explanation of why you can’t get a doctor’s appt., a person to answer the phone at any business that you are trying to reach, a package delivered within a half-way decent amount of time (3 weeks), etc. – I know you have heard it:

“Due to the Covid-19 situation.”


Well you can’t be mixing quality people with riff raff. That just isn’t done and would be scandalous.

I joke, but there was a time when people really thought this way. Meaning, mid to late 2020.


One of the worst/best recollections of the Titanic disaster I came across was that of a waiter from the first class dinning staff. The book that contains the actual recorded statement is in a box somewhere in my basement (while I insisted on my books in the divorce, I foolishly forgot to include the bookshelves in my demands), so I will paraphrase as best I can.

The man on the watch looked to me and told me to get in the boat. I asked him whether all the women and children had been accounted for. He looked around, and asked me “do you see any women or children here?” So I conceded the point and climbed aboard. I will never forgive myself for living any day forward. Forever known as a coward. Taking the place of a child. I had no idea of the calamity we faced. So I followed his command. And now live in disgrace and soulless. Forever damned by my ignorance. Forever damned by a cursed wish to live.

I used to rely on this heavily when working a suicide hotline in my younger years. Because that waiter latter founded a small charity that caught the interest of the United Way. And his story made the brand of that organization go viral in the 1920s.