Expectations were set for the first public impeachment hearing on Wednesday: Democrats would mine the two diplomat witnesses for the details of President Donald Trump’s pressure campaign against Ukraine, and Republicans would attempt to turn the same conspiracy theories Trump sought as political dirt into headline news.
While only 3 GOPers peddled false conspiracy theories, they all (with the possible exception of Hurd) lied and misdirected. This makes them all accessories to obstruction of justice.
Few more days like today with the credible witnesses and Rethugs will end of talking to themselves. I mean, if today they were armed and ready, what will Friday be like? They are going to lose this.
I think the House GOPers don’t care if Trump is guilty and are throwing up garbage in the expectation the Senate GOPers will acquit no matter how much he deserves impeachment.
I am going to go out on a limb and predict that Rep Stefanik - someone virtually unknown outside of her district - will be announcing a run for Senate or some other “higher” office in the next go around…
I frankly expected more from Hurd. He just tried to use up his 5 minutes w/o making a fool of himself. I was also surprised that Mike Turner (Ohio) just turned over his time. I have him marked (with Hurd) as being the most likely person to be a straight(er) shooter.
It appears that the ENTIRE republican party, including people with nothing to lose (Turner is retiring) is going to go down with the ship.
Nunez’s talk of “cult-like behavior” is really just a bad case of projection.