OMB Chief Reaffirms Refusal To Comply With Impeachment Inquiry

The leader of the Office of Management and Budget declared on Wednesday that the OMB will not comply with the House’s impeachment inquiry, including the subpoena House Democrats had sent to the office.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“Yesterday’s letter speaks for itself,” he said. “We’re not going to be a part of any sham process that’s designed to relitigate the last election.”

They sure are focused on the legitimacy of the Dotard’s election to office. I wasn’t even aware that that election had been litigated to begin with.


Fine or arrest all of them starting now.


It damned well should influence the next election because impeachment is necessary but not sufficient. Every last Secretary, Acting, and their two most immediate direct-reports are complicit in the extortion racket and cover up. Definitely in Ukraine and most likely China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, who knows how many other countries. Every last one of them who doesn’t voluntarily testify fully and truthfully, should be fired and permanently blacklisted.


Who is going to arrest them? Certainly not Barr.


How about we just stop paying them? We can consider them on strike.


Next move: Contempt of Congress?


We need a single judge appointed to work full time on all the stonewalling and obstruction bullshit. Any Trump appointee should be disqualified for having an inherent conflict of interest.


Democrats had better start using their powers of contempt to lock someone up. After a while, they just start looking weak and impotent. Not a good look for going into election season. However unfair it is, people do not like weak and ineffectual leaders. People stick with tyrants they know until someone STRONG takes the tyrant on. Dems need to use inherent contempt to show Americans that Congress is constitutionally EQUAL to and just as powerful as the President.


“We will continue to not participate in this process which is not designed to get to the truth," Vought replied. “It’s designed to relitigate the last election and influence the next election.”

So the official response at every level is to accuse your opponent of whatever it is you are doing.

Again, I see how this plays well with the people determined to go down with the ship and how it trolls the opposition, but I don’t see this line being very effective as this shitshow gets noisier and draws more attention from people who haven’t been following it closely. How does this win back the 10-20% of Republicans who are already in favor of an inquiry? of removal?


Nazis gonna nazi.


constitutional crisis - here it is.


Nothing shows your innocents like refusing to release any documents that prove you’re innocence!


Looks like we’re headed to the SC to find out whether we are to have an absolute monarchical presidency.


And Trump and friends running around calling it a coup attempt… They’re really trying to incite a Civil War, aren’t they.


Vought replied. “It’s designed to relitigate the last election and influence the next election.”

You are absolutely right that what tRump did was to influence the next election.
Why are these people so stupid???


A lot of heretofore unseen creatures crawling out into the sunlight to repeat the new mantra - so this is our acting OMB chief. Good to know.

Send in the clowns.


The only sham here is the cover story…this has nothing to do with relitigating the last election, and everything to do with corrupt behavior while in office in an attempt to cheat in the next election. They can attempt to change the topic, but it’s unlikely to work once they get into court and a judge looks at what they are trying to sell. I don’t think Americans not in the Trump base will fall for this either, it just looks like people who have been caught doing bad things trying to avoid being investigated to figure out what exactly happened.

I do see people are back to complaining that the Democrats aren’t doing enough NOWNOWNOW!!! to stop the Trumpsters from behaving badly…I wonder when they will put the blame on the Republicans where it belongs. There is a process, Democrats are following it, and getting a boatload of things done as well as building a strong legal case that they are doing things the right way. Let the Republicans be the ones breaking the rules and trying to use power to get their way, the Democrats are doing just fine taking them out without resorting to bad behavior that will make Americans think both sides are just the same.


Civil War conjures up a vision of clear sides in a conflict. I’m thinking more insurrection with multiple parties facing off in every direction, no real leadership, definable endgame. To me, most of the rightwingnuts are incapable of orderly process; and will end up helterskelter chewing on one another. That’s not to say they can’t do a lot of damage.


TRANSLATION: “Look, you’re not getting shit. So just go away.”

Yeah, that works well.