An Ohio state lawmaker — who represents a district less than 30 miles from Dayton, Ohio, the scene of a deadly mass shooting over the weekend — blamed a slew of people and incidents for the uptick in gun massacres in the U.S., including Democrats, gay marriage and “drag queen advocates.”
Careful - don’t want to tread on this fine woman’s religious freedoms. Or the first-ish amendment which guarantees that conservatives can’t be criticized for what they say.
Good Heavens, District 53. Who voted for this twit? I’d be embarrassed to let her out in public let alone represent me in your Ohio State Capitol…
Btw, speaking of drag queens, etc. my favorite new show, now in its second season, is Pose on FX. Breaks new ground in television entertainment and the episodes are so very good. Better than even the first season.
Hours after the El Paso shooting, Mitch McConnell proudly tweeted this photo. I find it so troubling that our politics have become so nasty and personal that the Senate Majority Leader thinks it’s appropriate to use imagery of the death of a political opponent (me) as messaging.
A week ago, after the Fed rate lowering, I commented that Trump has pushed the US into dangerous territory with the Chinese, who hold $1.2 trillion in highly liquid US treasuries (out of a total forex and gold reserve of $3.2 trillion). And boom! Today you have it, a yuan devalued below 7 in response to Trump’s latest tariff round. Alan Blinder, the former vice chair of the Fed, was sort of incredulous. wondering aloud how the US could possibly have stumbled into a currency war. Trump needs to be impeached immediately and some sort of adult supervision installed to stabilize this mess.
I don’t know where people like this get their ideas, but they are lost causes and don’t even worry about trying to get them to vote for a Dem. She’d be at the rallies with the red hat on.
Candice Keller is a stupid and sick sick person - - seriously - -
no matter your political outlook - who in their right mind would - after a hideous tragic event of this magnitude hears voices in their head that cause them to get on the internet and without any basis in fact - post some harsh diatribe assigning blame to the groups of people that you hate.
““This is what happens when the Republican Party doesn’t speak out on the rhetoric being used by Trump.””
They WANT this.
Stop. Fucking. Pretending. They. Don’t.
This woman is proof positive of that. Her entire post can be summed up as “Stop doing shit we don’t like and maybe we’ll consider not shooting you to death. Maybe.”
ETA: I posted this before, but it is now the very very top story on the Faux News website as opposed to down the page where it was before.
THEY. WANT. THE. VIOLENCE. That article can be interpreted in no other way. None. Report on it. Do it. Say it out in the open. FAUX NEWS AND THE GOP WANT WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM TO WIN AND SEE INCITING DOMESTIC TERRORISM AS GOOD POLITICAL STRATEGY AND AN EFFECTIVE BATTLE TACTIC IN THEIR WAR TO SUBJUGATE THE REST OF US. Say it, TPM. Say it loud and disseminate it. THAT is the job of journalism. CALL IT OUT.
It is their only means of hanging on to control at this point, and certainly their only means of establishing their dreamed-of permanent minority-rules hegemony, and it functions as self-affirmation by assuaging their feelings of powerlessness in the face of inevitable, immutable demographic shifts they have no real power to stop.
Come November, it’ll be 11 years I’ve been posting to this site saying that the Republicans and their base are well and truly done, that the social contract is gone, that they have now declared nothing to be off limits and no holds barred, etc. I took my usual break from news this weekend…a detox I sorely need each Friday…but waking up on a Monday morning and seeing shit like this…AGAIN…well, who believes me now? Why does it still seem like nobody fucking gets what these people have decided? Why does it seem like everyone’s running around dodging bombs and gunfire while yammering about stopping us from getting into a war? WE’RE ALREADY IN ONE. IT WAS CHOSEN FOR YOU…YOU HAD NO SAY…IT’S BEING WAGED UPON YOU WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT. WTF needs to happen to make people wake the fuck up and realize what is actually happening right in front of our eyes?
Gotta luv the christian earrings. What Would Jesus Carry?
This “woman” is a sub-human waste of protoplasm and if the people in her district re-elect her then I hope they rot and starve, victims of the trade war their demi-god told them was “easy to win”.