Not quite “Bad Lieutenant”, but only because he keeps failing the exam.
This was my thought, how will it affect the ability to get a guilty charge on the murder rap? I’m very concerned about an acquittal, we need that guilty verdict.
This piece in the Star Tribune explained why it’s so hard to hold cops accountable:
Most of them that are fired get their jobs back with back pay. It’s their arbitration system.
And how about his wife? Did she vote in Florida also?
Seems the type of individual that he is, he would also encourage wife to vote Republican in Florida also.
Once you get the state legislature to side with you, you can get exactly what legislation you want (“cops are omnipotent”) when you want it.
I would bet good money he voted in BOTH places–how would either state know he had done so in the other? Someone needs to check this out. . .
Now can a Florida da charge chuivan trump, and that bimbo who lies with illegally voting? One complaint, bff together…
You vote illegally (or whatever you want to accuse your opponent of doing) before they do. That way you can get the benefit while they never get the chance.
" Officer Charged With Floyd’s Murder May Have Voted Illegally In FL In 2016, 2018"
" As They Scream Voter Fraud, Trump And His Press Secretary May Have Voted Illegally
Kayleigh McEnany was living in Washington but voted in Florida. Trump used an address he promised Palm Beach officials would not be a residence."
Birds of a feather do flock together.
So trump whines about illegal voting. I wonder what he thinks when a cop and a president does it.
Hmmm, voter fraud, huh?
If you’re a black woman that gets you five years in jail for starters! Let’s let him serve that time, and while he’s cooling his heels in the general population, we can look into this whole murder thing.
I knew he had some acquaintance with the Trump family.
Some enterprising young journalist (or group of?) should take it upon themselves to investigate every single sitting U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative who own property in multiple states, to determine where they are registered to vote and do they do so, etc? Does everything look on the up and up? And for the heck of it, include all of the current POTUS’s staff, etc. This kind of project, ideally, should be performed by a type of non-political, not-for-profit.
Not sure how possible tax evasion and charges of illegal voting would have any impact on current murder charges in another state. People often face charges in multiple states. After conviction on one charge- the other charges come later. The only potential problem could be if Florida attempted to have their (as yet) charges supersede the ones in Minnesota.
….But; Republicans don’t commit voter-fraud- according to the GOP.
Why Not! It’s called White Privilege. What is White Privilage? Here is an example:
You know damn well if these were POC, there would have been chaos. Pepper spray and people being thrown on the ground by the MI State Police, but nothing happened here.
Voting in a different state–I wonder if he hadn’t been arrested for murdering George Floyd, would this have ever been found out?
So hard would it be to run Florida’s voter roles against those of other states? Give you a place to start looking.
More republican vote fraud, pretty much the only kind ever documented