Of Course Trump's A Racist But It's Worse Than That

Had exactly the same thought. This is not the move of someone who is confident that is useless idiot will be returned to office. Especially telling since Dumpft had made his ability to make the exchange with Putin a campaign promise…


Absolutely, anything to hit the front page, even if it’s an own goal.

If he keeps this up over the coming weeks up until the Dem convention — and we can be pretty confident he will — he may just completely meltdown.

Gonna be a wild ride!


Is Laura Loomer actually a shock jock from 1994? Those lines were played out even then.


I really appreciate David K’s clear articulation of how Trump’s not just racist, but instrumentally racist by stoking racism and division to his own political ends. What a parasite.


This is true, but there is something of a misunderstanding here. It’s not a division that Trump exploits, sure the division exists but it’s the racists that are exploiting Trump. Trump opens the door, but they rush in. Your grandpa and crazy uncle may harbor those feelings, but for much of the last 40 years they had to be expressed sotto voce. Trump gives permission to present the racist and misogynist belief systems full voice.

For this demographic “America” is that racist misogynist country, and they are making it great again. The real problem is that trying to employ the old methods of politely ignoring this behavior doesn’t stop it. It’s part of why weird works, and nothing else did. They’re fine with just about every other pejorative adjective you can use, but they’re hearing “inferior” when you say weird. It’s not our usage of the word, it’s the connotation that lives in their minds.

It used to be military uniforms, now Brooks Brothers houses shoddy people.
The world has seen its…silver age, its golden age….This is the age of shoddy.


You gotta know that Biden was working this hard, but isn’t going to take an ego lap like TMF would.


He might yet. He might claim that it was his promise to get Evan Gershkovich released that prodded Sleepy Joe into action to avoid his being one upped.


Good morning to you and all! I finally got in, nearly an hour after MM was posted, through the front door, no less!


I still think it’s a mistake to try to find some method in his madness. He’s not mentally fit. He’s mostly functioning on the R-complex part of his brain, but he still wields a shit ton of power and the folks around him are too frightened or too greedy to rein him in.

In a normal “family”, there’d have been a competency hearing and he’d have been put under guardianship



Defense-minded GOP senators viewed Trump’s invitation to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to visit him at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida after the NATO summit in Washington as a worrisome development, given Orbán’s close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his efforts to undermine NATO’s support for the defense of Ukraine.

GOP senators who support U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine were dismayed when Trump selected Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), who led the opposition to the Ukrainian assistance package, as his running mate.

And Senate Republicans are feeling uneasy about Trump’s assertion that Taiwan should pay more for its defense and refusal to commit to defending the island.

One Republican senator, who requested anonymity, said “it’s a big question” whether Trump will support the war in Ukraine or would come to Taiwan’s


All Donnie had to do was take his Sharpie and sign a written agreement to make it so.


Yesterday, Dementia Joe gets 9/11 terrorists to plea out, a critical move towards being able to shut down the prison at Gitmo, something I expect will be announced after the election but before the end of the year.

Today, he’s bringing home Whelan and Evan.

F-16s finally flying in the skies of Ukraine.

That’s just two days in the hellscape of Biden’s America.


FatAss must be apoplectic about this — maybe even smells that Pootie knows he’s a loser and let Biden/Harris take the glory.

Of course, his reaction will be, “well, they had to trade for it and I wouldn’t have had to”.

But you just know that the cleaning staff at Merde-a-Barfo have hauled out the heavy duty steam vacs.


Trump, amongst other things, is a media whore. Will say anything to try and control the narrative.

Kamala handled it perfectly… “same old story, lack of respect, America deserves better” then she moved on.

Gotta lov her!


trumpers are eager to give up our freedoms to a dictator in the name of freedom. It’s sickening to me.


Hmpff. And I thought we Canadians were nice? What’s wrong with using IT-speak?



Boy Howdy. I haven’t heard that term in about 25 years. Another reason to resist going back


As Thom Hartmann has so eloquently pointed out, the political moment we’re in is a direct result of far right ruling elites freak out over the 1960s. That’s the reason far right asshats always invoke the 1950s - before the pill, before the Voting right act, before the Civil Rights act, before Stonewall - when women and blacks and gays knew their place and white male motherfuckers could use the law or unpunishable violence to keep “those people” in line. So Fat Hitler is doing EXACTLY what he needs to be doing to tell those fascist “christians” that he will put all those people in their place, which also makes the ruling elites happy. This election is absolutely a choice between taking a 75 year step backward or moving forward and I promise you, whether we go one way or the other, this moment will not pass without serious bloodshed. Given the violence stoked up on the far right we can either choose to fight back or roll over, and I for one m not rolling over.


Yes I’m sure the moderate Black voter will love the reference to trump having 3 baby mamas.

These people are just awful.


I noticed a bunch of Trump signs went up this morning at the end of a long driveway on our road. The house sits way back but there is lot in front where a wonderful Black family lives with delightful kids who are always outside playing basketball, soccer, and badminton. I was walking the dog when the mom was getting her mail. I commented on the signs and she said for the first time she feels that her family is at risk of harm. Isn’t that incredibly painful?