Of Course Trump's A Racist But It's Worse Than That

Originally published at: Of Course Trump’s A Racist But It’s Worse Than That

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. Let’s Be Clear About This Again, it’s as if we’ve learned nothing from the last eight years. Donald Trump, his campaign having lost its edge to Kamala Harris, predictably resorts to his well-used playbook of…

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good morning!


Ginge is not supposed to use the front, side or back door.


back door, man


Whoever thought bringing The Man Who Is Unapologetically Racist in front of the NABJ is a genius. I knew he wouldn’t be able to help himself and step in it immediately.




Well that’s a first (no, not that first). My trusted back door did not work for over fifteen minutes. Hasn’t happened before.


Trump is getting worse by the day. Only God knows where he is going. He is beyound weird.


As I said elsewhere, sure except for the autogenerated part.


MAGAt-World turning on Kellyanne?

Just delicious.

I notice she’s been shoved out of the way even before this. Excellent. Meanwhile, ex-hubby George is a sought after speaking head.



But is supposed to look cute, and is soooo good at it. Morning Ginge.


The Team Harris press release after Trump’s appearance before the Black Journalist group was perfect (as was Josh’s post from last night). The press release touched on the key point of this not being so much about Trump’s racism, which has always been a feature, but on his goal to create division (maybe enough to sway a small percent of male Black voters - Trump took almost 20% in 2020). And it pointed out Trump’s other goal, to create a big enough dumpster fire to distract the Press from covering Harris bashing Trump on Project 2025.

A Trump goal was to sow seeds of doubt
“She’s not Black enough” might dampen turnout
Goal two was to thwart
Any new Press report
Of what Project 2025’s all about


Of Course Trump’s A Racist But It’s Worse Than That

I can’t wait to find out who draws the short straw to go on the talk shows and say “He was just joking”


What Trump did was force the media to make him the story. It took the limelight from V.P. Harris and shined it back on him. He doesn’t care if the coverage is negative or emphasizes his racism. Many in the media did his bidding because he has them well trained. Today POTUS is stealing his thunder with the release of prisoners held in Russia.


Yes. It is worse than that! He’s a racist deranged weirdo!

By 6 January 2021, Pelosi writes, “I knew Donald Trump’s mental imbalance. I had seen it up close. His denial and then delays when the Covid pandemic struck, his penchant for repeatedly stomping out of meetings, his foul mouth, his pounding on tables, his temper tantrums, his disrespect for our nation’s patriots, and his total separation from reality and actual events. His repeated, ridiculous insistence that he was the greatest of all time.”

I had seen … his foul mouth, his temper tantrums, his disrespect for our nation’s patriots, his total separation from reality

She describes how subordinates including Mark Meadows, Trump’s final chief of staff, indulged improper behavior, allowing Trump to “surreptitiously listen” to private meetings with congressional leaders, eventually prompting Pelosi to ban all cellphones from her meeting rooms on Capitol Hill.

Pelosi also describes getting calls from Trump, often late at night, including one in which she says Trump insisted missile strikes on Syria he had just ordered were Barack Obama’s fault, eventually prompting Pelosi to tell him: “It’s midnight. I think you should go to sleep.”

Donald! Wake up and go to sleep!


Will be interested to see the Trump spin on his ‘performance’. Initially, of course, he aced it, without specifying how he might have done that. He ‘owned’ the nasty black (woman) journalists by calling them names?

Read a little-cited observation on Trump’s mental pathology recently. He can’t ever be a ‘loser’. But by his reasoning, the definition of winning = not losing. How did he not lose his encounter at the NABJ?


Time to run thru the candidates’ origins.
Kamala Harris: mother, PhD professor at Berkeley, father, PhD professor at Stanford.
Donold trump: grandfather, draft dodging (sound familiar) pimp, father arrested at a KKK rally in NY.


Listening to a number of podcasts today (meaning I no longer remember who it was), someone pointed out that FatAss didn’t go on to try to sway Black voters to him, he went on seeking to show his faithful cultists that he could shut up those “uppity people”, i.e., went intentionally seeking conflict. (Might have been Sharpton who said that, but don’t quote me.)

And got even luckier in that there were three Black women on the podium, so the incel types could watch him shove them around.

Now, his handlers (who removed him after 30 mins) may have hoped for something positive, FatAss just showed his crass, misogynistic, racist self and self-sabotaged with the 3 remaining semi-sane republicans as well as many independents.

He just is completely incapable of understanding that his old playbook is, well, just old


He is “courting” black voters.

Donald Trump is the last person that you want “courting” you. Ask E. Jean Carrol.

That is what he is. Yes, he is worse than racist.


Hmmmm….sundowning, methinks.