Obama’s Indefinite Detention Plan May Result In Less Transparency At Gitmo | Talking Points Memo

The Obama administration’s apparent plan to draft an indefinite detention policy with periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay shouldn’t come as a surprise, a lawyer with the Center for Constitutional Rights told TPM in an interview. But they are concerned that it could result in less transparency for lawyers and other observers — and it could mean that more detainees will face a lifetime of imprisonment with no chance to review the evidence against them or appeal the decisions made about them.“This administration is usually entirely passive in response to its opponents attempts to undermine its policy agenda, so to that extent it is a surprise when they do anything,” Shayana Kadidal, senior managing attorney of the Guantánamo project at the Center for Constitutional Rights, told me in an interview. “I think it’s one of those situations where after the fact, looking back on it, it perhaps makes some sense and it’s somewhat predictable.”

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