“I wished that he asked questions with a little bit more sensitivity to the listeners and how they’re perceived, and I can have that conversation,” Republican Rep. Sarah Vance, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, told the Daily News. “But he’s there on his own accord and only represents himself.”
So it wasn’t the question, or the subject of his question, it’s that he said out loud what his fellow Republicans are thinking?
Poor Eastman didn’t factor in the earnings that the victim would have taxed, or the buying power of the live consumer of goods and services, just the cost of dealing with the trauma of the abuse that the victim has to try and heal from.
Republicans of all stripes want to support life, but only until that life is born, and shown not to be the second coming of Christ. Then you’re on your own.
I really like some of these folks to give me their definitions of: Civilization, society, and community.
Is that exclamation for the Eastman who said the quiet part out loud, or the chair of the Judicial committee who seems to think he didn’t voice his concern in a more palatable way?
There is something very seriously and psychologically wrong with these people. The way they think is incomprehensible.
It’s really revolting that a judge ruled in his favor to keep him, as a former Oath Keeper, in his seat.
Alaska State Rep. David Eastman ( R ),
Rep. Eastman says it’s a benefit to society when children who are victims of abuse die “because there aren’t needs for government services over the course of that child’s life”
when they die as a results of abuse.
Did he graduate from Josef Mengele High School? or John Wayne Gacy Prep?