Oakland Protesters Set Fire To Courthouse As Demonstrations Spread

I do believe that the Lincoln Project geniuses will help with that. I’m seriously contemplating a donation to that branch of the cause.



Projection (of all things) is all his campaign has.

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It is a real dilemma, protests are necessary to demonstrate unity against Trump and the Republican party but they also provide opportunities for groups to instigate violence with little chance of being caught. I participated in demonstrations recently and the presence of people wearing protective gear made me nervous and I usually left when they showed up. This was before everyone was wearing masks and now that is common, anonymity is easier to maintain.


Dems should make campaign ads, split screen, Trump playing golf while his troops are beating peaceful demonstrators or hospital workers trying to live.


Very disturbing. Have had a little exposure to the nihilistic attitudes underneath this. These folks are as much a threat to liberal social democracy as the modern GOP and Trumpers. This was coordinated and intended to draw a response. Blaming the boogaloo boys is too convenient; the coordination tells me it’s black bloc cosplay assholes. The incel wingnuts would never be that organized.



There haven’t been anarchists in 80 years, at least not this organized. I would take a long hard look at Eric Prince and his mercenary friends. Talk about 80 years, this has the fowl stench of 1933 and the Reichstag. I think Trump is looking for an excuse to start a race war.


No. Not a false flag. The black bloc doesn’t care for us squishy liberals either. We’re as much of an enemy as Trump and the reThugs. Classic nihilist anarchist BS. They see Trumps ascendency as an opportunity. They are not allies and are coopting the BLM movement.


Nope. This nonsense has been alive and well.

This is exactly the kind of response that Trump has been trying to provoke. In fact, is is so exactly the kind of response that it re-evokes the old question: Who actually set fire to the Reichstag?


This is where we need the fourth estate the most. Many of the police departments are not going to identify this as one small subset specifically causing the trouble like Richmond. It will get drowned out if not exposed.

Groups cominf in with specific tools to create havoc and arson is going to work to trump’s advantage unless it’s called out for what it is instead of headlines linking ALL the protestors to violence. If it takes weeks of “investigation” it will all be over.


The key will be whether the “Federal Agents” actually attack the people who are setting fires or if they go around them to attack the peaceful demonstrators. Keep an eye on which protesters get the response.


Especially when an article gets all of its info from the police, who typically lie more than a Trump with chronic fatigue syndrome.

I presume that you are speaking here of the Republican Party since about 1860.


This smells like a false flag. Show me where organized anarchists still exist outside the fevered minds of the neo-nazis, white supremacists and Russian trolls.

The Black Lives Matter folks are winning. This is the kind of thing their opponents would resort to.


Peaceful protest is the only winning strategy in metro-areas where FedGoons will be deployed.
The Guardian has a piece that lays out who those troops are:

“Operating largely in secret, Bortac agents are trained for Swat-style raids on organized gangs smuggling immigrants or drugs across the US border. They have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in many Latin American countries.”


The Black Block are a problem. I witnessed that some years ago at the G20 demonstrations in Toronto. I have read enough to conclude that this is well organized. The BB are not an organized group. I wonder if we will ever really know what’s going on.


Trump has reached the chapter of his playbook titled “Reichstag Fire.”