White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien drew comparisons between China’s coronavirus outbreak response to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster during Sunday morning interviews.
White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien drew comparisons between China’s coronavirus outbreak response to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster during Sunday morning interviews.
Remind me when our Intelligence professionalisms pulled their hair out screaming at then President Reagan that American lives were in imminent danger because of Chernobyl. Oh, that didn’t happen? Then O’Brien can rightly fuck off.
And if China happens to come up with a workable vaccine before us, after this diatribe, how likely will they feel good about sharing it with us without making it punitive?
Asked to clarify what a “cover-up” means, O’Brien said that China covered up its handling of the novel coronavirus by giving “false information” to the World Health Organization.
What these nonsense statements lack is a timeline. Hypothetically - let’s say that China did cover up its handling of COVID-19 as this country is doing now. OK. The regime STILL ended up losing months of time when they did find out about it. Oh, and, has any intrepid reporter pointed out that soon to be Pres. Biden sounded the alarm on COVID-19 in January???
“Now, there’s a chance, and it’s been reported, that the Chinese have been engaged in espionage to try and find the research and the technologies that we’re working on both for a vaccine and a therapy,” O’Brien said.
There isn’t a single one of these Trumpazoan alpha shits that isn’t a liar, mountebank, and sycophant.
No, I think they’ll wait until 45* gets the underground nuclear test that he wants. So far, nothing in the last 4 years has gone wrong, so I’m sure the outcome will be tremendous.
How naughty of them, really, to let the virus spread while minimizing its danger. I hate people who do that.
Meantime, pal, do your fucking job, by which I mean figure out ways to actually make the nation more secure. Rumor-mongering for your idiot boss isn’t that. And don’t get too settled in your office, if you want my advice.
WH National Security Adviser Likens China’s Coronavirus Response To Chernobyl
Stoking up the engine with some jingoism, eh.
They musta run out of plausible scapegoats at home.
I woulda thought a guy entitled ‘National Security Advisor’ would have more sense than that.
Sigh. Only if we had Intelligence agencies that weren’t hollowed out, demoralized, politicized, and corrupted to hold back the scourge of foreign spy services. Who could have predicted?
With Grenell and Ratcliffe on the job, we may as well give them all the passcodes, turn on the photocopy machine, and put the coffee pot on. And ask them to wake Grennell up if a something something on Obama or Schiff turns up that can be ginned up into a dirty Martini.