NYT: Matt Gaetz Investigated For Possible Relationship With 17-Year-Old | Talking Points Memo

Everything about this is tee-ball. Making a bet off any photo of him that he wasn’t a creepy pedo would be pouring money down the drain.


A niche of psychoanalysis. They work with the likes of Drunken Noodles, Twice-Baked Potatoes, Crazy Fries, you get the idea.


Whew! Reached the end of this thread…


Good points…altho am I missing something? Was there actually a lawyer involved or was this just the accuser saying “fuck it, I’d rather get rich than file a criminal complaint”? I really think the distinction ultimately doesn’t matter though. As I said, maybe he was criminally extorted all day long. That doesn’t in any way mean whatever they were using against him for the extortion wasn’t a crime he committed.


If you can’t do the time, don’t do the teenager


It is not that. Local age of consent is irrelevant to the federal statute. It is purely about knowingly moving someone who you know to be under 18 across state lines for sex where somebody (anybody) receives a thing of value for it. 18-year-old me can take my 17-year-old girlfriend on vacation from a state where we can legally fuck to another state where we can legally fuck, and that technically makes 18-year-old me subject to a minimum 10 years in federal prison, which is insane.

But really, 35-36 year old congressmen who transport 17-year-olds across state lines for the sake of getting laid should kind of expect to be treated like criminals, because that should definitely be a crime even if this is a shitty statute (which, on its face, it is).


Soon there will be hospitalization for sex addiction and addiction prescription pain meds.

Then he finds religion and founds a pillow company.


Is karma finally catching up to some of these charlatans? Hope springs eternal.


Gaetz is apparently naming a lawyer in private practice who used to be in DOJ as representing the apparent accuser. That accuser could validly waive his/her (it’s a her, Matt is almost definitely straight, and I have it on good authority from a former classmate that he’s a fucking creep) claim for civil damages and agree not to cooperate in the criminal investigation and/or sign off on documents that would make prosecution functionally impossible, all in exchange for big settlement money.


“I hear the click clack of your feet on the stairs…”



I know. :wink: (just upthread a bit)


Just for funsies, Roger Stone has a connection here!



To be fair, your example would also be legal in what I said, because FL’s consent law has a “close in age” escape hatch for people up to 23 years old.

The whole law of statutory rape is a little off, I would agree, but this is more about this:

"(3) The term “commercial sex act” means any sex act, on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person."

So it’s not just ANY sex act. But I mean, come on. " I can’t fuck you because it’s illegal here, so let me pay you to go somewhere I can fuck you" is precisely something we want to avoid (and is what I’m betting he did because he is just that stupid to think he’s that clever). Violations of the statute you cited where the age is under 18 would almost always be taking place in that context of removing someone from one state that considers them too young to form consent to another that does…and because the actus reus occurs in the other state, it would completely subvert the ability of that original state to enforce its statutory rape law on behalf of its resident minor. The federal statute fills that gap. And while the federal statute doesn’t even really address the idea of consent or the ability to consent, that’s clearly an underlying issue…as are the solicitation and coercive issues raised in the statute.

Honestly, now that I think about it, just you and your partner hopping in a car to cross the border to bone doesn’t really seem to fit the definition of “commercial sex act” so probably escapes the federal statute…maybe…I dunno how the case law has handled it.


I’m not addressing Florida (or any other state’s) statutory rape laws. I am addressing the federal sex trafficking law, which does not include any kind of Romeo and Juliet exception. I’m 18, she’s 17, I’m fucked when we cross state lines (except that such cases are never brought as a practical matter). In fairness, it also works if I’m 17 and she’s 18.

Again: 18 U.S. Code § 1591 - Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

The same Lincoln project where the boss was trying to trade sexual favors to younger men in exchange for access and promotion opportunities?..

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Maybe is a more modern name for food tester. You need one if you are eating at Mar-a-lago.

Food taster

QAnon told us Washington was full of pedo, sex-trafficking cannibals.


Weaver’s gone and Gaetz dunked on them

The ‘rabbit’ (TLP) again has the gun.