NYT: Matt Gaetz Investigated For Possible Relationship With 17-Year-Old | Talking Points Memo

Twenty dollars, same as in town.

LOLā€¦glad Iā€™m not that fucktardā€™s attorneyā€¦


Hereā€™s what happenedā€¦guaranteedā€¦

FLā€™s age of consent is 18. He paid for her to fly and go to a hotel room in a state where the age of consent is 17 or younger. He then flew separately to meet her at the hotel and boned her.

Iā€™d bet a good sum thatā€™s exactly what happened.

ETA: Iā€™ll just note for the record that when I typed the above, I hadnā€™t yet gotten to the video segment where he mentions that there are accusations of photos of him with child prostitutes. Man, this hit of schadenfreude, if it comes, has the potential to feel like actually finally catching the dragon LOL


100 people an hour are dying from COVID in Brazil. The GOP vaxxer holdouts better get their end oā€™ life docs in order. Fingers crossed the vax helps the rest of us.


Thatā€™s more work than Iā€™d put into escaping from jail, and heā€™s crushing it to go there.


OMG. Skivvy Nicollet.

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The interview with Tucker was crazy cakes. I doubt his lawyer advised that he do it. INAL but good lord, he really seems like toast. smdh


I wonder why Skanky Turdface, the Organization and their sleazy pitbull Bill Barr starting going after their own poodle Matt Gaetz. I wonder what aspect of their quid pro quo Matt failed to deliver on.


Right? And letā€™s not forget an inconvenient little truth: even if he WAS being extorted, that doesnā€™t mean what they were using to extort him wasnā€™t some horrifying sex crime he committed. Extortion works best when the mark is actually in really deep shit.


Donā€™t forget how close and chummy he was with t***pā€¦

Birds of a feather and all that.



The good news is he wonā€™t be winning reelection with a 30% approval rating and falling. Unless, he does something Trump like.
Thereā€™s a possibility Lula da Silva could run against him. I wish someone new would surface thatā€™s competent and moderate.

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It is a violation of the rules of professional ethics to threaten to take a complaint to law enforcement unless the opposing party pays money.

It is decidedly not a violation of the rules of professional ethics to offer to settle a civil claim where the cops are already investigating the opposing party. See Bryant, Kobe.

Must be a hell of a good story to make $25 million the opening demand. Guess they thought Palmer was gonna make that shit go away?


Not one person is surprised Gaetz is a perv. What a shitty person.


Hahahaha Gaetz is throwing everyone under the bus to soften his fall. If he ever had any friends they are gone now. Damn, this is enjoyable.


Get him to Newsmax and he can follow in the footsteps of Bill Oā€™Rielly.


Maybe, but it sounds like the tax collector buddy was in that line of ā€œbusinessā€ in some way. The ā€œtraffickingā€ in my scenario would probably be that he paid for her to take a flight to go somewhere that it would be legal to have sex with her.

I dunno the federal law on this, so this is just pure speculation, but maybe it has something to do with something along the lines of ā€œif you are in a state where itā€™s illegal to have sexy time, you canā€™t just pay the person it would be illegal for you to sex up to relocate to another state where it would be legal to sex them.ā€ Sheā€™s an off-limits minor who is a resident of FL as far as FL is concerned. The idea would be that paying to remove her from that jurisdiction to another where she magically becomes legal might be the crime because, in essence, her taking the money to relocate for the act is itself also something she cannot consent to in the jurisdiction in which she is originally located when she agrees.


Hey, given his ex-girlfriends ā€œsonā€, Iā€™m just surprised he swings both ways.

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I would bet dollars to donuts that nothing about him ā€œswingsā€ hehe

LOLā€¦gotta give you credit on that oneā€¦was almost like tee-ballā€¦


OK, so nobody else has ā€¦

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Does Ghoulsie have a new client?