NYT Finds New Allegation Of Sexual Misconduct Against Kavanaugh

The New York Times has uncovered a new allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1248433

This should qualify him to be Chief Justice of SCOTUS.


It should disqualify him from being on any court. Impeach the MFer


Is this the same FBI that Trump has run down?


Let me take this moment to say that Chris Coons was a dunce to have given Jeff Flake and the GOP cover when they called for a delay in the vote to have this sham FBI investigation which bought them time to get aligned. Mitch did not have the votes on the floor and called the vote prematurely because he was pissed off at the pressure the Dems had put on them.

Just as time was running out, Flake offered the FBI probe idea and got Coons’ backing which gave them cover. Rod Rosenstein, an alum of the Starr chamber days w/Kavanaugh, brokered and arranged the whole sham investigation. He landed the plane. That’s the reason Barr gave Rosenstein that send off when he left the DOJ.

Had the Dems not gone along with any bad faith GOP games, Mitch would’ve either let the vote go forward, which he would have lost. Or, he would’ve pulled the vote and would’ve had to admit that he didn’t have the votes on the floor (perhaps a worse result). The FBI investigation cooled the political temperature and allowed the WH/Mitch to get to wavering Senators.

I said this at the time, and I’m (sadly) vindicated a year later.


You can yell and cry, Brett. You can stomp your feet and you can run upstairs and slam the door to your room, if you want. But you knew this would happen, you arrogant bastard. You did this to your family by having no shame, you privileged rich fuck. Don’t whine to the whole country like the crybaby you are, and don’t talk to the vast majority of men who wouldn’t dream of doing that kind of thing, who treated women like human beings and friends when they were growing up and when they actually attained adulthood. We’re looking at you silently right now and our looks are not friendly. We all know women who’ve been abused. But you didn’t get away with it, did you? Not if your reputation matters, buddy. Not if you care about that look of shame and doubt we saw on your wife’s face. What you do comes back. I’ve seen it over and over. The rotten people, the bullies, the advantage-takers don’t win forever.


Yes, apparently many people have corroborated Ramirez’s account and tried to contact the FBI during the “investigation,” which lasted, what, one day? Confirmed by two votes (Collins and Manchin) and now makes momentous decisions for the rest of us for 30 years. Yeah, that’s democracy.


It is probably only a matter of time before we get new charges for current offenses, as he feels more comfortable in his new job. The only question will be how the victim feels about confronting a supreme court justice.


It’s not a “new” allegation. It was brought up by the witness at the time of the hearing, but there was no investigation. This is what happened to other allegations, including Ford’s. Investigation never went forward. It was stopped before it could thoroughly look at the various allegations and before witnesses were interviewed. The handling of the hearing was outrageous, but don’t forget it had a precedent in the manner in which complaints were shut down before they could be aired or investigated during the Clarence Thomas hearing. Biden was responsible then and has refused to apologize even now. Don’t expect any Republicans - or even Democrats who didn’t make a real fuss - to apologize for railroading Kavanaugh’s nomination through the committee and the Senate. Yet another demonstration that “MeToo” has not completely changed how women who make allegations, especially against powerful men, are treated.


The real question, of course, is “who paid off his massive debt, suborned the FBI to conceal these additional allegations, and rammed him onto SCOTUS? And what quid pro quos will those same shadowy billionaire assholes extract from him for the next forty years?”


Are there any limits on when you can impeach a Justice? It’s been done before …


Vox pretty much nailed it:

But the FBI investigation wasn’t thorough. From the very beginning, the investigation of the sexual assault allegations was limited — in terms of time, which witnesses the bureau could talk to, and what other kinds of evidence the FBI could obtain. That was inherent here; the FBI investigation of Kavanaugh was not the typical criminal query associated with the FBI — which could be expansive — but a limited supplemental addition to background checks that the bureau has already done for the Supreme Court nominee.

Maybe that was the point. Perhaps the FBI investigation wasn’t meant to get to the bottom of the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh, but give certain senators cover to vote for Kavanaugh. Because the FBI certainly did not do the former, even as its investigation is raised up to do the latter.
Kavanaugh vote: the FBI investigation was doomed from the start | Vox

The White House was in charge of the limited FBI investigation.


We all knew at the time it was a joke investigation.


Those who believed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when she (reluctantly) came forward find this allegation unsurprising, and those who supported Brett despite the angry and out-of-control tantrum he threw at his hearings, will disregard this as they have all the other evidence of his unfitness for any judicial role.


Kavanaugh, a freshman at the time, pull down his pants at a dorm party…

…and regaled everyone with his Sammy Davis Jr impersonation shouting, “Here comes the Judge!, Here comes the Judge!

  1. Trump’s bent FBI = Forgot 'Bout Investigating
  2. Of course Kavanaugh denies everything he did when partying. That defense is baked into being a blackout drunk.
  3. It does not, however, mean that all other witnesses were forgetful. That’s why they were not asked by (1).

That’s pretty much the only way we’ll get rid of him. He has to do something now or at least within the last 2 years.


I really hope that’s true.


The FBI didn’t find what they didn’t want to find.


We probably won’t get rid of him even then. It is going to take an act of God.