NYT: Feds Investigating Lewis “Gatekeeper,” “Queen of Earmarks” | Talking Points Memo

More details on the Lewis investigation.

Last week, Justin reported on Rep. Jerry Lewis’s (R-CA) top aide at the House Appropriations Committee, Letitia White. The FBI’s investigation of Lewis is reportedly revolving around Lewis’ very close ties to lobbyist Bill Lowery, and Letitia White was one of a few aides who moved from Lewis’s office to Lowery’s. As Justin pointed out, she was flown to Italy for a 10-day all-expenses-paid trip by a defense contractor while with Lewis; a couple months thereafter, she left the Hill and registered to lobby for the company with Lowery’s firm.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=183204