NYT Demotes DC Editor After ‘Serious Lapses Of Judgment’

The New York Times on Tuesday demoted deputy Washington editor Jonathan Weisman following a series of questionable tweets about people of color.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1242442

So sometimes the NYT can do the right thing. Now, about that other editor with the headline issues…


This is so unfair! How was he supposed to know the Times’ editors and reporters wouldn’t circle up the wagons and snarkily defend him from all criticism?


Almost too slow. ‘A series’ of tweets? Really? And, frankly inadequate as well.


Give Jonathan Weisman a mirror to go along with his demotion. Maybe in time he can see the Jonathan Weisman WE see.


I agree. Definitely changing the rules on him in midstream.

But…come to think of it, that is what tended to happen in Jr. High when someone pretended they were part of the Mean Girl clique, and they weren’t. The Mean Girls take them out for attempting to follow their rules.

So maybe it isn’t a rule change?


Are NYT writers/editors required to be Tweeters?

If so, are they being compensated for doing it during off-duty hours?

If not, how does Tweeting help their work in any way/shape/form? Isn’t doing the work exhausting enough? Why bother with the inanities of social media and the downside risks?


Now will they do the same with Maggie Haberman?


He wasn’t fired? LOL…fail.


But he’s a Patriot!!

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It’s supposed to be about a finely curated image that your PR department is known to help you with if you can’t write cleverly. At least the public personalities I know don’t have an “on” or “off duty” switch on their social media. They think about what they say and how they say it all.the.time.


…For a country which generally claims to be English First, people seem to have a problem understanding the fucking language.

Weisman’s point is actually quite fucking clear. He’s saying that just as nobody would think to question that Lewis is from the South, nobody should be questioning that Tlaib and Ilhan are from the Midwest.

He’s trashing the racism that is out there that they’re not real midwesterners because they don’t match the proper skintones, not inflating it.

Good move New York Times! Now fire everyone responsible for the over the top reporting on Clinton’s emails in 2015-2016. And please call for Trump’s resignation



So, if he was a black DC associate editor and he made disparaging remarks about jews…would he be demoted OR woulod he be shit canned and never be able to work in the industry again?

You know the answer…just saying.

At our exclusive boarding school, when someone wrote nigger on a bathroom door nothing happened. When someone wrote jew boy…the school organized seminars to talk about the holocaust and anti-semitism.

If you think Trump and Moscow Mitch and the Republicans have exclusive rights to racism in the US, you are sadly mistaken…to name one would be Joe Biden.

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Здравствуйте, товарищ, мы вас давно не видели. Добро пожаловать на доски и мы надеемся, что вам понравится ваше пребывание!


Hahahahaha! Good one…


Her day of reckoning will come as well…it just may not come from the Times. More people are on to her than she realizes.

Like the Assistant Dean who finds out in a very unflattering way why he/she was never even thought of to be considered for Dean.

Fluff stuff is…fluff stuff.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious.

Totally serious. It may not be the best analogy ever written, but it’s certainly not racist, and read in proper context, that’s exactly how to read it.

“Lapse in judgement”…another nice headline by the Times on a clear act of racism. What is going on at the NY Times? The Times is no longer the principled newspaper it once was…but that seems to happen to newspapers and broadcast netowrks once billionaires move in and buy them up.

I only wonder what the headline would read if it was an associate editor of color disparaging a white anglo saxon protestant or even someone of the Jewish faith? Me thinks he’d not only get a harsh headline, he wouldn’t be demoted…he’d be shown the door.