Remember when three NYPD cops claimed they were victims of a nefarious plot to poison their Shake Shack milkshakes last year — until it was later learned the officers weren’t poisoned and the entire non-incident was mostly rooted in hysteria?
Just a small detail…bleach is not toxic in small quantities. That’s why you can swim in pools treated with it. It is not possible to put enough in a milkshake to cause any serious harm. It’s also so detectable that no one would use it to poison cops. If you wanted to do that you’d go to the insecticide section of Home Depot and get your goods.
It was never a thing because it could never be a thing. Dumb Cop’s pissed at Meyer ( he’s a the owner of those joints as well as some ace joints like Gramercy Tavern where I ate yesterday ).
It would not be possible to drink a bleach solution strong enough to harm you. Many places use bleach like products to clean and it’s possible that’s what went down here. Unpleasant taste but harmless. But the rip was these Cops said ( without any basis ) that the Shake Shack was trying to kill them.
I reported long ago on two separate incidents in which multiple people believed they were exposed to toxic stuff and piled into the hospital with all sorts of symptoms that turned out to be all psychosomatic because in fact there had been no exposure.
Agree. By holding a grudge against shakeshack, arnt these cops rejecting Cheetolini’s “boofing bleach” treatment? Theyre just making their families and their profession look weak. Very sad.
A couple weeks ago I tasted bleach in my Whole Foods salsa. Figured some cleaning product got mixed up in the food. Threw it away and shrugged it off. If I was a big tough NYPD cop I guess I would have made a stink about it.
Yes, but shit happens and all the rest of us just deal with it. But it’s clearly a sign of criminal negligence and/or attempted murder if a police officer is involved in an accident, feels mistreated, or disrespected.
As opposed to when a cop negligently or intentionally murders an innocent person… apparently it was just an accident.
I wouldn’t leap to the conclusion that the milkshake operator was trying to poison me, but the reported fact that the milkshakes were adulterated with a cleaning agent does kind of give rise to some defenses against the defamation claim. I don’t know for certain how New York’s comparative responsibility rule works, but “You brought it on yourself by fucking poisoning me” is a pretty compelling defense.
I think a point that is left out ( because it dumps on the sensationalism ) is these Cops were never in danger and never targeted. There was no reason for them to think they were but they did it. So let them be treated we we all are when we damage a person and then justify it on a myth. Sue them.
The Shake Shacks ( which are pretty gross joints ) are owned by one of NYC’s premier restaurateurs. There is no way it’s reasonable to jump to the conclusion that Danny Meyer would be anti-Cop.