NYC Subway Ad Mocks Giuliani | Talking Points Memo

The unraveling of Rudy Giuliani hasn’t gone unnoticed in his hometown.

According to a Daily News report Tuesday, a satirical New York City subway ad featuring President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer — who is increasingly facing scrutiny over his globe-trotting effort to dig up fabricated dirt on the President’s personal political enemies — was spotted on at least one A train subway car as of Tuesday afternoon.

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*will work when drunk

Yep, that’s Crazy Rudy. Although these days it’s hard to tell if he is or he isn’t.


I just listened to the voicemail. It sounds an awful lot like a 1980s tv commercial for a local area electronics store called Crazy Eddies. His tag line was that his prices were “insane”, which he said with his jowls flapping.

I wonder who’s paying for this ad.


Best ad ever. Everyone else can quit trying.


Noun verb it’s Crazy Rudy!


How the middling hath fallen!

Rudy Giuliani, America’s Major Embarrassment.


“TGL, an acronym for The Good Liars, is a duo of artists and comedians who told Quartz they’d rather remain anonymous. “We hope these ads are a wakeup call to Mr. Giuliani,” a member of TGL told Quartz.” . It’s a guerrilla campaign TGL says


pshah, I had the same thought (Crazy Eddie)! A great hommage if so.


When they said “Subway” ad I immediately thought of an ad for a Meatball Marinara or an Italian B.M.T. or a Steak and Cheese.

I didn’t know they advertised shit sandwiches, too.


“Will work for free publicity, and for pardons when the publicity bites back.”


Meatball and Marinara are actually pretty close.

Meathead Mobster.


I love it. It needs to go viral.


Rudy? eh … that PUTZ is out of his mind


The following is an honest question: is Rudy purported to have a drinking problem?

I’ve never seen that discussed anywhere …

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I think there’s no question that it’s based on the old Crazy Eddie ads. The late Eddie Antar did prison time for fraud so maybe he and Rudy have more than “crazy” in common.


When I’m watching the Yanks in the playoffs this week I want to see Aaron Judge etc. under that hat, not Rudy.

I swear he’s a stand-in for Nosferatu:

I keep saying it but you truly have to be an imbecile, functional if not actual, to still like these guys. They are so far from anything even vaguely resembling decent, honest, competent, sane and smart that you simply cannot be cognitively functional if you like them (being in a cult for any length of time severely harms one’s cognitive functionality, of course, as some of these people used to be fairly intelligent and sane). I’ve met enough of them. They’re not firing on all cylinders. I’d say 4 or 5 out of 8, tops. They’re just not all there. They inhabit some alternate reality, and just don’t see what the rest of us see. They’re either actually stupid, totally indoctrinated, or suffering from some sort of dementia. I’ve talked to enough of them by now for this to be inescapable. Sure, some are quite sane and smart, but they’re assholes who only care about their tax cuts or keeping out brown people.


Bravo to The Good Liars: Mockery is a good way to expose agitprop perps like Rudy; more like this please.

And more pushback at every level is needed. Rudy et al are engaged in a full-blown propaganda attack on our nation and they all must be exposed, from Putin, Trump, Pompeo and AG Barr all the way down.

‘Alternate reality,’ gaslighting isn’t just a tool of deception, it is an instrument of subjugation at both the personal and social levels as one who remembers life in the Soviet Union declared, it was …not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to intimidate and, even more importantly, to humiliate people into silence and meek submissiveness, by causing them to realize their utter helplessness …against the constant onslaught of shamelessly obvious, self-evidently, triumphantly invincible lies. …


Thank you for including “fabricated” - next can we all drop the “dig up” and just say “fabricate dirt”?

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One slight quibble, that recording is not a voice mail. Voice mail is a message you leave for somebody who is not available. That thing above is a recorded message. A slight difference, I know, but things like that make me nuts.

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