NYC Reports First Coronavirus Death Of A Minor

New York City’s Health Department recorded the city’s first death of a person under 18 years old, though details about the person’s exact age were not disclosed. There have been 914 coronavirus deaths in New York City, the department reported Monday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Gov. Cuomo to Lawrence O’Donnell: “This is government at work. It is not theoretical. This is all practical, this is all real, this is all experience, this is all competence, this is all capacity… That is the real test of government.”
Current Occupant to the nation: " This is aspirational."
See the difference, America?


So much for being pro-life, Donnie.


If Trump and Pence don’t get their asses in gear then I swear an army of PTA/PTO Moms are going to rise up and take over. (not joking)
The health and science writer from the NYT told Rachel last night that the DoD needs to step in and deal with what’s going on. It made me feel very uncomfortable about that suggestion but the military does know how do logistics, and apparently no one in the Trump WH does know logisitics.

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Covid-19 knows no age, ethnicity, social status, or political party…Rest-In-Peace.

So the Greed-Over-People Party’s OK to KAG (Kill American Geriatrics) for Wallstreet & Young is at best misguided!

Not everyone is on the Cuomo bandwagon. I generally ignore much of what Ryan Cooper writes,
but he did make some valid points when pointing out that Washington’s Inslee is what real leadership looks like.
Cuomo and de Blasio were behind the curve, not in front of it.

If you are interested:
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is what real coronavirus leadership looks like

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There are units in the armed forces that are specifically trained to deal with pandemics. They are what we needed 2 months ago.


Even though I was in the Warren camp I was rooting for Inslee in the primary. He has a great record and was literally the canary in the coal mine on the Coronavirus.


Maybe when this is all over, the family of this poor child and the families of the hundreds of thousands of other COVID-19 victims will gather at the White House to commend Trump for the excellent job he did.

Speaking of which, this just landed in my email inbox. Apparently James O’Keefe is missing the spotlight…

A New York National Guardsmen and medical professional at Glen Island Park drive-thru COVID-19 testing site told Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe the media reaction to the virus outbreak was overblown and to him it was just a flu.

O’Keefe was instructed to follow the car in front of him and observe the directional signs at the drive-thru testing center and put on his hazards by a New York National Guardsman at the entrance to Glen Island Park. After receiving his instructions, O’Keefe engaged with the guardsman.

James O’Keefe: “What about the situation itself. Is it as bad as–the media is saying? The whole pandemic?”
New York Army National Guardsman: “Oh no! It’s the flu! It’s just the flu?”
Army National Guard: “It’s the flu!”
O’Keefe: “That’s all it is?”
Guardsman: “It’s the flu.”

Glad O’Keefe blew the lid off this story. The story being that he’s a fucking moron (not exactly news!).

I bow to no one in my loathing of Cuomo, and de Blasio’s mayorality, though a hugely positive break from Republican rule, has not aged well. But I’ve got to say, both of them, in the long view, moved pretty swiftly. In a total vacuum of federal leadership, and with the healthcare Deep State depleted and/or muzzled, all of these state and local leaders had to make it up as they went along, and those like Inslee, Cuomo, de Blasio and – hate to say it, but – De Wine made the tough decisions within days of the popular realization that we were really in the shit.

I know Josh took a dim view of de Blasio’s hedging on closing the schools, and that his hand was really forced by the teachers and his bully Cuomo’s moving first on the issue, but if he was wrong to hesitate, it was for the right reasons and in alignment with the data from CDC. And I’ll say one other thing in Blas’s defense: I’m so relieved he’s not giving us the stern daddy schtick that Cuomo and Inslee are luxuriating in. That said, whatever – we’re getting leadership from all those guys, and goldbug bosh from the White House.


I appreciate Ryan Cooper’s viewpoint, but I am not interested in diminishing the work of any public servant who is doing good for the people he/she was elected to lead. I was looking to contrast the helpful actions of someone good with the dangerous actions of someone appalling, not pit one good person against another.

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Yeah, like they say…hindsight is 20/20.
Especially Cooper’s. He’s never ahead of the curve either.

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