A union representing thousands of active and retired New York City police sergeants said Sunday that it was “declaring war” on the city’s mayor.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1290336
A union representing thousands of active and retired New York City police sergeants said Sunday that it was “declaring war” on the city’s mayor.
Until DiBlasio, New York hadn’t had a really liberal mayor since David Dinkins (and we know what happened to him).
The cops have always felt they had a veto over any mayor, through their “control” of public order.
Will their going full Trumpie increase their likelihood of getting it back when DiBlasio leaves office after next year?
I’d love to see some reporting on that. How do New Yorkers feel about DiBlasio? How do they feel about the cops? Are they more likely to support a new Mayor in the image of DiBlasio, or in the image of Giuliani?
And then cops complain about porcine descriptions.
Police union’s often seem to hurt cops PR more often then not.
One of these years, cops will remember that they’re public servants, not a paramilitary body operating independently of the rule of law and with their adversaries being the general public at large.
There’s a difference between promoting the interests of police officers and antagonizing their civilian leadership. If I were a member of the union, I would be pretty pissed that they were taking that next step to completely antagonize the boss publicly.
Police officers are an already pretty authoritarian bunch, and this seems a bit too subversive.
The real killer of cops in NYC is illnesses from 9/11.
Don’t hold your breath. I would actually be surprised if it ever happens. Those type of organizations need to be disbanded and started new.
New Yorker here. Voted for DeBlasio but not crasy about him. He got a few things done early in his mayoralty and but just seems to be coasting. He apparently is bored with the job, which explains his laughable run for president. That said, the NYC police union and benevolent societies are reactionary and a negative influence. Something needs to be done to reinforce civilian control over them.
I grew up in NYC and this is all about the NYPD wanting to go back to the days of “Giuliani Time” where they could act with impunity because they knew the Mayor would always turn a blind eye.
Fucking toddlers with guns and badges, they seem to be making themselves the tip of the fascist spear…
At what point does a city / municipality clear out the old guard / union and start fresh … with real civilian control … and create a new police force. Would this be impossible? I’m all for unions … but not when they are a corrupt and corrosive force, and in this case heavily armed. Bring in the Feds, indeed … to prosecute dirty cops.
See? Guess where those cops’ guns will be pointed and on whose behalf they’ll be pointing them if this country devolves into massive unrest or even civil war. Guess.
Lemme help you:
They are as white nationalist as it gets and I don’t give a FUCK how many officers of color they have milling about. Inviting the Feds into your city to perform law enforcement duties is sick, disgusting and gross violation of everything our federal system was created to prevent and avoid…and ti just shows how badly these white nationalist fucks will gleefully destroy the Constitution and everything we hold dear in the name of maintaining their power…BY VIOLENCE IF NECESSARY.
Never forget who adopted the Doberman pups in Animal Farm.
When cops support and retweet the ravings of a brain-addled mad man, they’ll “go down like a rocket”.
Self-replication in the hiring process over a hundred years or more has established a genetic line of bullies in blue. Republican sheriffs and chiefs hire Republican deputies.
White supremacists hire white supremacists.
Every new branch and leaf is a copy of the old one.
Police going to war against anybody is not something we should regard with equanimity.
SBA is the weirdest acronym for “Unhinged Bastards Out Of Control” I’ve ever seen.
More cops die from Dunkin Donuts than 9/11.
Someone from the Trump administration cued this guy, maybe the FBI’s old Hillary Haters from NY State who are much deeper in this than anyone will tell (so far) . Authoritarians in authoritarian garb are easy to spot these days, they are spouting some sort of dangerous and volatile provocation that mirrors whatever trump’s butthurt about lately.