New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio put his predecessor, 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg, on blast Thursday morning after the billionaire said during a CNN town hall that “hopefully” de Blasio had “learned from my mistake” with regards to Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy. De Blasio repealed the policy, which was (by Bloomberg’s own admission) designed to target black and Hispanic New Yorkers, after he was elected in 2013.
I just don’t understand the obsession with destroying the Dem candidates for POTUS. Between the BIden story and now this one, TPM is not helpful. Not at all.
BTW - there’s a lot of stuff going on with coronavirus this morning. But nothing here. Nothing at all mid-morning.
The refusal to let the patient use the box sure sounds like coverup or at least incompetence, especially considering there’re still just a few cases in the US and boxes aren’t in short supply. No test means no confirmed cases and makes it look good for the market. At this point, transparency is greatly needed but that’s not something ttump’s good at.
Yes. And it’s an emerging pattern. He wants to control all information flow, not just that from DoJ and the IC. He’s the white Idi Amin. This is what dictators do. No potentially embarrassing or revealing information about the perfidies of the dictator gets out to the public.
Supposedly, the disastrous spread in Italy has been attributed to a single case that wasn’t properly handled at the hospital. This sounds like similar mismanagement.