NY AG Names Lawyers To Probe Harassment Allegations Against Cuomo | Talking Points Memo

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday announced two attorneys who will lead her office’s investigation into the multiple allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1363919

The former acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York Joon H. Kim and the employment discrimination attorney Anne L. Clark will lead the probe

This is good.

Joon and Anne are both very good choices.


Quite something how fast these things move, and how slow things like investigations on the 1000000 crimes drump has committed moves.


That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans sitting in the driver’s seat.


Well, that’s as it should be.

And with regard to this:

and how slow things like investigations on the 1000000 crimes drump has committed moves.

It is frustrating, but two grand juries have been convened in Georgia, and, in New York, Cy Vance’s office really is hard at work.


Due process is good. If we listened to some last year (Cuomo should replace Biden) after Tara Reade lied about Joe Biden we would of had Trump for another 4 years.

I’ve watched what happened to Al Franken & Biden last year. We need due process and not jump to say “resign”.


“So, honey, anything happen at work today?”


This is good, but will it resolve before the 2022 election cycle? If not, are any of Cuomo’s donors getting nervous about this negative attention yet?

Cuomo made the mistake of not making everyone around him sign NDAs, which are, apparently, the only truly ironclad contracts in the universe.

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NDAs wouldn’t be enforceable in government, notwithstanding President Trump’s attempts.

I imagine that they are. Some (say, hospital and nursing home operators) might even be throwing him under the bus to deflect from their own wrongdoing. That said, twelve years is enough. While I don’t wish for Cuomo to resign now (yet), I’d prefer that no not run for re-election and clear a path for new people.

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I am having trouble with both the Cuomo mishegas and Newsome recall push. I remember Al Franken & Eliot Spitzer & Gray Davis and it all smells to me like Republican rat fuckery.

When Dems are accused of—well, damn near anything, they resign & Gopers know this. When Rs are accused they just ignore it (Gym Jordan).


Wonder if Cuomo is going to use a cease and desist approach about using his image for Dem fund-raising?


Good. This is how it’s done in America…or was done in America. Conduct an investigation…swear folks in…bounce what you know is true against what they say is true and make a conclusion. Then act with normal due process. This gives the accusers the chance to take their complaints out of the media / public opinion sphere and put them in official ones where they can be verified via a proper investigation. It gives the Governor his due process and.It legitimizes what is done in the end.


TPM is the wrong place to make that kind of true American sense.

So when are we going to see Trump’s shit dragged all out in public is what I want to know!


You have a valid point.
At the same time, there has to be a uniform way of holding powerful people who abuse their offices responsible for corrupt behavior or to clear their names.
That’s not the court of public opinion, which repeated instances show can be manipulated. So much so that James O’Keefe has made a career out of it. (h/t @richardinjax)


I live in CA, in a solidly blue large city (rhymes with Dos Fangeles), and have seen “recall Newsom” crap since the beginning of covid lockdowns and mask mandates — so, for a good year now.

Dems do need to not do dumb though. Parties at the French Laundry, indoor event House Majority fundraising events - that sort of thing. Looking at you, Gav and Nancy… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Will the Governor get recalled? I haven’t seen much national reporting on this recently?

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Neither have I. Last I heard there were enough signatures to make it on the ballot.

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