Stating he wanted to “get back to the facts of the matter here,” House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes (R-CA) used the beginning of his questioning time Wednesday to quiz Gordon Sondland on various Republican conspiracy theories, remarkably ignoring the very damning testimony Sondland had given minutes earlier.
He’s a fool. He has decided it’s better to act the buffoon and pretend it’s ALL THE DEMOCRATS FAULT than to show an iota of integrity and support of this country. ‘Prepare to be smeared…’ It needs to be a bumper sticker.
I imagine that Nunes’ entire segue included imploring individuals to go read John Solomon at The Hill. That’s about it I’m sure. IOW, just ignore the damning public testimony of about 15 witnesses and instead go imbibe the not-totally-baked stories pushed by Solomon, the same man who put Giuliani on the trail of Lutsenko who eventually sunk him with his recantations.