Wasn’t Macguire testifying under oath? Doesn’t the oath cover the “truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” This “be careful what you say” request from Nunes seems to be an effort to blackmail and intimidate him.
But wait. The constitution is hanging by a thread. We are at the cusp of tyranny by the extremists of the christian nationalist party in government.
The fact that Nunes even feels the need to say that is absurd. Anyone in the intelligence community knows this as a given in normal times. And yet, these are not normal times.
Why isn’t there an investigation of Nunes’ ties to the Azerbaijan and its corrupt government, a place reputed to be an excellent locale for money-laundering?
Reporting on corruption:
Trump had started a grand hotel project there-but the story is odd.
Devin Nunes - this rube brings back memories of Watergate and -
… of two embarrassing - hack jackasses from New Jersey:
Joseph J. Maraziti
Charles Sandman
Congressional Representative from Indiana - Earl Landgrebe who adamantly opposed the impeachment of Richard Nixon - and said “Don’t confuse me with facts: I’ve got a closed mind,”
Wrapping up his questioning, Nunes, with a smile, issues a warning to Maguire: “Be careful what you say, because they’re going to use these words against you."
It’s a guy who has no power to influence or get anything done saying something stupid because his words have been used against him time after time.
Really. Remember Sandman saying the American people wouldn’t accept Nixon’s impeachment? Wasn’t he the one who a few months later got crushed running for governor?
Half and half. I agree it wasn’t the flagrant threat the headline implied, but it was a clumsy ‘remember who your friends are’ warning. It is still an attempt at intimidation.