Nunes And Other House Intel GOPers Boycott Meeting To Force Schiff To Investigate FISA

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes (R-CA) and his eight Republican colleagues on the committee skipped a meeting on Wednesday in protest of committee chair Adam Schiff (D-CA).

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Nunes not attending a meeting means nothing.




Oh, yeah, like Schiff is going to get his feefees hurt by Moones and his Cow Pats.

Gonna be so glad when all this showboating is over…


I’d think it was the best news Schiff had all day.


Did Devin’s cow attend?


And their point is?

If they were there all they would do is attempt to gum up the works… so this is a good thing


Probably the first time in months that Schiff actually enjoyed one of those meetings!


Maybe when Nunes testifies about his trip to Europe and what he talked about with Parnes, and just why did he sneak those papers to Trump?


No,she was mooving to another pasture.


Eh, it wasn’t like they were doing anything anyway. Schiff was probably happy with the silence


Nunes always looks constipated. We know that he is, mentally at least.


Long ago, Seymour Hersh wrote about how false information from CIA personnel was stove-piped up to Douglas Feith’s Department of Special Operations, Cheney’s own work-around to get more Unitary Executive authority. Trump has no Wolfowitz equivalent, so his work-arounds are more informal, but it seems that the stove-piping was something that the CIA needed to protect the institution. In any case, is Nunes implying that information is somehow being shuttled to Schiff via outside channels, and if so, why? Schiff can’t start a war or order a bombing. It seems almost like the fear is that actual facts will reach Congress, which would be a disaster for Trump’s informal workarounds to exercise power.


All the GOPers either look constipated or withering away as a result of shilling for Trump. Graham has lost all color in his hair since 2016 and Barr is gaining new wrinkles every second. The reason we’ve seen so many retirements is probably because they’re afraid of dying in office


Just devin having a cow.


I was just listening to History series podcast dedicated to Iran Contra. It is amazing how much things have remained the same. At the end of the podcast they shared an essay from 1992, and I think it rings a bell for all (I had to go google it:)

The revelations that President Nixon and members of his Cabinet were a bunch of cheap crooks rightly sickened and disgusted the nation. But truth prevailed and a once-again proud nation proudly patted itself on the back; despite the crimes committed in the highest office in our land, our system of government worked. Democracy triumphed.

But in the wake of that triumph something totally unforeseen occurred. Either because the Watergate revelations were so wrenching and followed on the heels of the war in Vietnam, which was replete with crimes and revelations of its own, or because Nixon was so quickly pardoned, we began to shy away from the truth. We came to equate truth with bad news and we didn’t want bad news anymore, no matter how true or vital to our health as a nation. We looked to our government to protect us from the truth.

We are rapidly becoming prototypes of a people that totalitarian monsters could only drool about in their dreams. All the dictators up to now have had to work hard at suppressing the truth. We, by our actions, are saying that this is no longer necessary, that we have acquired a spiritual mechanism that can denude truth of any significance. In a very fundamental way we, as a free people, have freely decided that we want to live in some post-truth world.


The list of Republicans deserving Mussolini’s fate is long.


Gotta love Adam.

Takes no guff. He’ll still be in the House after November. Can’t say as much for the other noodniks.


I wonder if Nunes will attend the meeting where they talk about his ethical lapses sitting in on (as CO-FUCKING CHAIR) the impeachment hearings regarding criminal behavior of the Trump Administration without saying he was also directly involved. Or maybe the meeting where they can get him and Parnas in the same room to go over their Ukraine phone chats in early 2019.


Ok Republicans do as you please but don’t let the door hit you on the way out. They are a tiresome group.

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