NRCC Tweets Schiff Clown Photo | Talking Points Memo

The National Republican Congressional Committee was quick to react to the first public impeachment hearings in a Wednesday morning tweet.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Funny, Schiff’s opening statement and questioning didn’t sound clownish. And the seriousness with which he’s conducting the hearings and the entire impeachment inquiry do not seem at all clown-like. I guess I’m just missing something.


They got nuthin’.

Less than nuthin’…


They’re filing into the hearing room again.

Nunes is looking pretty grim :wink:


Flailing, desperate and stupid is no way to go through life, NRCC.
–Dean Wormer


Keep calm and impeach on.


As the 3 stooges used to say, “Hominem, hominem, hominem”

Why do Republican responses always smell like the attacks of 8th grade bullies? Are these guys just stuck? Is half of the country just stuck?


Trying to decide between “Heathers” and “Mean Girls” as the maturity level of the NRCC.

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Won’t they be surprised when more of the nation turns against them in 2020, relegating them to the dustbin of history.

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Pathetic. This all they got? The adults have
left the Rep party

What? The NRCC had days to prepare this - the base will be disappointed with the absence anti-semetic symbols.

It takes one to know one. Projection it’s a thing.

Actually, Schiff looks quite smart in the clown suit. Unlike some of the R’s that really do look like clowns (with or without the paint). Guess it’s hard to hide all that professionalism under some paint.

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My TV screen was too small to pick up the three or four posters on easels behind the lineup of committee members.

Who put them up and what did they say?

Republican agitprop I guess.

Giuliani and his two assistants do not require doctoring to look like clowns. It is past time for Republicans to write Trump off. He’s a failed president and needs to go.