Just a day after President Donald Trump suggested openness to mild gun control measures like red flag laws and background checks, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre nipped that instinct in the bud, calling to convince him that those policies would not sit well with his base.
Kind of shows you what the NRA is all about when right after two mass shootings they immediately bitch and moan about trying to do anything that keeps guns out of the hands of potential future mass murderers.
Population of McConnell’s Kentucky 4.468 millon.
Draft dodger LaPierre’s NRA 5 million members.
USA population 327.2 million who are controlled by these two.
Something ain’t right.
I think an unusually aggressive vulture might swoop, if it thought it had to.
Haha but seriously folks Trump always thinks he’ll do what nobody else could and get some mild bill passed, and the GOP always yanks that choke collar hard. He sits on top of the party except when he doesn’t.
If Trump actually had any convictions about anything but himself, he might be less odious, but he has no actual values. He always pops off about gun control after a massacre, but it isn’t because he cares, it’s because he thinks he can benefit. Then when LaPierre calls, he sniffs after that new dog as well. It’s always the hunt for what will be good for him. The fact that he’s asking aides about the NRA’s vulnerability illustrates that as well as anything. A person with actual values would say “it doesn’t matter if I take a hit on this–we have to do something” rather than “are they weak enough that they can’t hurt me?”.
Sometimes I wish I could draw. I believe a well drawn cartoon of LaPierre as a vulture swooping in over a pile of gun violence victims mouthing something about the 2nd Amendment or the “Tree of Liberty” might help get the point across.
Wayne LaPierre, the only man Trump can’t shoot on Fifth Avenue.
If I were Wayne LaPierre I would not be so sure. As I understand there are many NRA members that suddenly dawned to them that LaPierre turned the NRA into a fool-fleecing outfit just like any prosperity gospel megachurch, and are not happy.
LaPierre is the Renflo Dollar or Pat Robertson of gun worshipers. Very few tears on Fifth Avenue if any of those got shot.
I wish Trump was delusional enough to try to fight the GOP on this. Clearly someone is able to keep him inline when they have to. Kellyanne maybe? It is very telling that they don’t reign him in when he goes on a hateful tirade, but they do when he crosses those GOP red lines. Meanwhile the entire press pretends that the GOP is really, secretly, behind the scenes disgusted with Trump.
In 2016 NRA spent $30.3M to help elect Russian-Puppet aka Inciter-In-Chief and at least $54M to help elect Rethugnicans in Congress.
NRA (their ruble master) will not let Russian-Puppet & Rethugs forget their “ help” despite the mass shootings, hence the phone call about the base - TrumpsTerrorists & gun-loving-MAGAts!
The senseless deaths is on you Inciter-In-Chief, Rs and NRA!