NRA Sues San Francisco After City Declared Gun Group A ‘Domestic Terrorist Org’

The National Rifle Association is pushing back against an official San Francisco declaration that labeled the controversial gun lobby group a “domestic terrorist organization.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m all for the NRA spending more of its depleting resources on attorneys. With any luck it can successfully sue itself into insolvency and have to close up its little house of horrors.


I can see the board meeting now
“OK guys, the way back to financial security amid these scandalous lawsuits is to spend more money and time embroiled in a lawsuit!”


Desperate people do desperate things…


In all defamation cases TRUTH is an absolute defense.

Or to put another way, I would love to see a case go on trial, and when I say on trial I mean to include trial in the media, arguing in a court of law that indeed the NRA is a terrorist organization. San Fan’s attorney could call any number of parents of victims or victims that survived to argue what the NRA is doing is terrorism. They could subpoena politicians supporting the NRA and force them to testify as hostile witness to the NRA’s buying them.

It would be great fun for all involved except the NRA.


Would I have declared them a ‘domestic terrorist organization’? I’m not sure. But it sure feels like karma has caught up to them after all the lies and shite they’ve spewed over these many years. Serves them right.


And not to be outdone



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dump just fired John Bolton on Twitter winning!!!

Donald J. Trump

…I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.

Bill Brewer’s gonna suck that organization dry.


Many, many lawsuits. Bill Brewer has never met a dispute that he didn’t want to solve by filing as many lawsuits as possible and billing them all out for roughly 20 hours/day for every lawyer staffed on the case.


The NRA is bleeding cash. How can they afford to pursue this case? It’s a no win.


They should add ALEC and the Republican party to the list of Terrorist Organizations.


I can’t wait to see what comes out of discovery in this one.


It’s not a defamation case. It’s three claims of civil rights violations per 28 USC 1983. Two claims assert that the defendants are trampling on the NRA’s free speech rights. The third claims the defendants are interfering with the NRA’s right to freedom of association.

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In the suit, the NRA called the resolution unconstitutional and “far from original,”

Okay, I didn’t read the lawsuit and don’t know all the ins and outs here. But isn’t the “far from original” bit kinda a self-own?

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Exactly. Calling the NRA a domestic terrorist organization is no more extreme than the NRA calling their opponents gun-grabbers who want to destroy freedom, propaganda which they’ve lived and thrived on for decades.

Karma, biatch.


But it comes down to “truth”. It is why we all had to take “Torts” as Freshmen in law school, Palsgraf and other legal principles permeate most other areas of law.

That is if the resolution “is a frivolous insult” aimed at silencing the NRA from exercise of its constitutional rights or an accurate description of the group will to a great extent be terminable in the outcome and an even greater extent in determining damages should the NRA prevail.

Don’t know what that pic is, but the OAN lawsuit against Maddow is rich, especially since the OAN reporter is paid by Russia as a freelancer…


The reich-wing oeuvre is invariably agressive and aggrieved: ‘fighting back’ is the logic that makes sense of lawsuits such as this no matter how ridiculous they may seem; it’s showbiz, kayfabe.

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