A new lawsuit in the seemingly endless list of legal disputes stemming from the National Rifle Association’s slow implosion pits Wayne LaPierre against a longtime friend.
The firm claims that the NRA stopped payments in July, after sending a letter demanding information about the pair’s financial relationship.
The NRA didn’t keep financial records of what/for what they paying these outside vendors. Doesn’t it sound like Wayne was hiding things from the NRA by not having someone within inside the NRA keep track of payment for services?
A new lawsuit in the seemingly endless list of legal disputes stemming from the National Rifle Association’s slow implosion
And yet, like a bad zombie movie, you hack it’s head off, rip it’s arms from it’s body, watch it’s corpulent bloated tongue drop out of its mouth in a rain of maggots, but still… one little bill of relief to the mass killings and it comes dragging itself out of the grave long enough to kill the legislation before crawling back to it’s hole.
All the ammo-sexuals who yank it while ogling posters of Charlton Heston in a thong should know that all their NRA dues are going to pay LaPierre’s legal team. The entire NRA is nothing but a con perpetrated on rubes who forget that Trump is the only president in history to literally say guns should be confiscated.