NPR: Key Impeachment Witness On National Security Council Expected To Leave Job | Talking Points Memo

I purposely didn’t link it. But if folks want it…


He left in 2017 but was whistleblowing in 2018?


Well, by being there, he seems to have flushed them out.

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Snippet of Morrison’s opening statement:


To be fair, the Whistleblower never had any first hand knowledge. He just talked to people who told him what happened. This person is in the right position to do this.

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True on that, but there is a feel that they just can’t stomach anymore as well.

It is already interesting, possibly terrifying as time moves on. I always said it was not going to be pretty. I just wish I had realized we would three years in for that point to be met. But every marker and expectation I have had failed in terms of extent. I would go as far to say that the enormity his ego and dysfunction is almost unknown.

I would be curious if the professionals have the same issue. For all the talk by various experts, therapists and so on, have they ever seen anyone close to Trump in his extremes?


Not impossible, but it’s not usually the way classified information flows. You have a concern you…speak to a former colleague who no longer has access? That goes well outside the established legal whistleblowing procedures, makes you a criminal.


He’s been dealing with prostate cancer for years, I believe. Prostate cancer in my grandfather eventually metastasized to his brain. Might be a possible explanation.


There is no way his leaving is NOT related to his decision to testify.


Not a lot of meat there as to why they think he’s the person, other than that he worked on the NSC at one point.

Exactly. Need more details on this part. Would partly depend on exactly what his role was back at the CIA, if he was working whatever Ukraine desk there, may have had the need-to-know to be talking to these people about it.


and has been considering doing so for some time.

So he has been in the job for a year, and has been considering leaving for ‘some time’. Learned what a $hite show the trump WH was right quick. Best of luck Mr Morrison. And thank you for your testimony to the grift that is the current administration.


Umm… The “fake news” has not reported this juicy tidbit. Occam’s razor points to this guy not being the WB.


Paging Mr. Slephtagiv? Mr. Norfolk Slephtagiv?


I have a theory on that, though admittedly one full of a lot of big holes. I think he went after the Italian mob to make way for the Russian mob back in the day. Only explanation that makes sense to me now. The Russian mob along with a lot of smaller but just as ruthless criminal syndicates that came here from the Balkans were the beneficiaries of Rudy taking down major figures in the Mafia.


I hope First Lady Iwanker is there to comfort her Skanky Putin Whore in the Lincoln Bedroom tomorrow and the Trump Organization sends in some well hydrated pee hookers to provide golden showers to relieve the stress and calm the tweet storm.

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Not massive ones. I’ve been speculating that he was mob all along, and just taking out the main families in order to help someone else, the russkies work as well in that as anyone else. So you’re not alone in thinking that a minor re-thinking of what his role was as a prosecutor, especially in light of what he’s done since then…


Especially since he’s only been in this particular, very senior level job, since July.

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I loved the period when every day was new drip, mostly to contradict the Republican talking point of the day before. The faucet is open now.


Wow! The House of Cards is really collapsing on The Donald. Every day it’s something else, a little more ugly, a little more isolating and plenty revealing.

Even The Mob can be brought to its knees by a few good men and women. I almost feel . . . hopeful.


How happy this must make Putin et al. All the expertise drained out of our intelligence and military communities.