President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani spoke on the phone with the president of Venezuela in September 2018, a pivotal moment in the rising tensions between the U.S. and the South American country, the Washington Post reported.
There are reports Mulvaney, White House Chief of Staff and OMB Director, would leave the room when Giuliani and Trump discussed Ukraine, allegedly to honor lawyer/client confidentiality issues. WTF?
So, relations with Ukraine are a personal issue between Trump and his attorney. Not national concerns, but Trump’s personal business.
Again, WTF?
Pompeo is such a quisling weasel in all this. A coward. Useless.
This so Trumpian, use the pal you know instead of the professionals that won’t tell you what you want to hear.
And WTF did a Congressman from Texas have any business “doing foreign policy”?
It will take years to sort out all the foreign affairs Giuliani stuck his nose into and decades to repair the damage. He clearly has some major mental health issues but Trump likes him because they are birds of a feather so here we are with ever expanding messes. It is unfortunate that putting the wrong people in positions of power can wreck decades of progress. Thank you, stupid racists, for voting for Trump, you finally did something of consequence in your pathetic useless lives.
Before the inauguration he made it known he wanted to be SecState. Looks like he got his wish, without the bother of a Senate vetting or bothersome security background check.