North Carolina Republican Tries New Strategy For Stealing State Supreme Court Race

Originally published at: North Carolina Republican Tries New Strategy For Stealing State Supreme Court Race - TPM – Talking Points Memo

North Carolina state appeals court judge and Republican state Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin filed a legal brief on Tuesday with the state Supreme Court, laying out his latest argument for why the court should toss out November ballots and overturn the results of the state Supreme Court Race in his favor. Tuesday’s filing is…

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Jefferson Griffin to North Carolina state Supreme Court, in recorded phone call: “I just want to find 735 votes.”


I guess someone’s going to set up a case that states that voting Democrat is unconstitutional, to feed the Supreme Court, and it looks like these guys.


Yaweh, this is sooo stupid.

So what if they agree to drop the first slice of votes, and it puts him ahead, and then they drop the second, larger slice and it puts him behind again - do they have to ignore the second slice, and let him have his bickie? Or do they just keep dropping pools of voters until he’s ahead, and then they have to “Freeze, don’t move!” :roll_eyes:






So if Jefferson Griffin is now complaining that

Then why does NC allow people overseas to vote? Wouldn’t they have to have shown some sort ID/documents when they signed up to receive ballots while they lived overseas?

If this ploy works, and Griffin is successful in getting on the NC Supreme Court how can he be allowed to ever rule on case that involves voting? He is showing his distain for the voting rights of NC residents living in state and overseas. He wants to change the rules after the outcome of the election was decided.


Also, @lastroth, a large percentage of overseas NC voters are likely in the military. Disenfranchising the military from voting doesn’t seem the smartest strategy for any elected official, even Rethughliklans.


Although what you say is, no doubt true, don’t you have to have an actual REASON to say an election was fraudulent? Also, is this guy saying that no overseas ballots are legitimate because you just ask for a ballot and then mail it in? When I voted overseas I had to go to the Embassy and show ID before I could get a ballot. But even if I didn’t, there is a process that has been in place for a long time, no?


I mean I always thought that majority of overseas voters were military, and yes do they really want to piss off that constituency? This doesn’t fall into the category of “banality of evil”, this Griffin guy knows what he is doing, or is following the orders of someone else who does.
IIRC when Griffin first tried to disenfranchise 60k+ voters it was for something like the last 4 digits of the voter’s SSN were missing, or the first 5 digits were missing. I would think that the Board of Elections really, really doesn’t need to know a voter’s full SSN.


More and more, the Republican Party is the Party of Entitlement – they’re entitled to win, even when they lose. Elections are theirs by divine decree, and we all just need to accept that and stop bothering them with details like getting fewer votes.


To be fair, it worked for George W.


Jefferson Griffin is going to be awarded the victory. NC Supreme Court has already decided that much, they are just pretending to analyze things there is just no way they decide otherwise, death threats from Trumpys are real.


It’s really too bad that the majority of NC seems to have shifted blue but has decided to remain supine as they are literally subjugated by hook and by crook to rigged, permanent minority rule. 200 years ago, people would have been getting shot until this shit was forced to stop. I’m not saying that’s the solution now (at least not yet), but goddamnit…STOP BEING POLITE.


North Carolina is home to Fort Liberty (f/k/a “Fort Bragg”) and Pope AFB, home to, inter alia, the 82nd Airborne Division, the Special Forces Command, the 75th Ranger Regiment, the Green Berets, Delta Force, just the whole whole array of Army snake eaters who are constantly being deployed overseas on combat and training missions and covert ops. Also, Seymour Johnson AFB, where the Air Force’s special forces adjuncts and a good chunk of the nation’s F-15E Strike Eagle squadrons and support units are based.

Oh, and let’s not forget Camp Lejeune, where about half the USMC is based and Marine Corps Air Stations Cherry Point, Sunny Beach and various satellite fields, home of damn near every kind of thing the Marines fly that isn’t based on the west coast that’s rotated home from deployment to assault carriers or overseas bases.

NC is U.S. Deployment Central for half the world. It’s why it’s an open secret that North Carolina has one of the largest concentrations of covert agents in America trying to help unfriendly countries keep track of what units are deploying or rotating home.

My point being that, yes, the overwhelming majority of the people this despicable piece of shit is trying to disenfranchise first are men and women in the service deployed to the most dangerous places we have troops. The Republican majority on the state supreme court are once-respected jurists turned pathologically cynical partisan hack degenerates since the degenerate hacks in the General Assembly abolished our national model public financing system. But this asshole has already lost one of them (Dietz, once a paragon of nonpartisan virtue), and I have to think “disenfranchise deployed airborne soldiers, special forces and Marines first!” is going to stick in the craws of at least one of the other four.


Right out of the Cadet Bone Spurs playbook!

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I have two questions which perhaps someone following this more closely can answer:

First–How can they trace the ballots to a voter or group of voters who are being challenged? My understanding is once accepted by the election officials the ballots are commingled with others. Were they set aside for some reason? In the case of mail in ballots I suppose if they are kept with the envelopes then that would provide a paper trail but that would fly in the face of ballot secrecy. Is that Griffen’s real reason for narrowing his challenge to the overseas ballots?

Second, if invalidated what happened to the other races on the ballot? Perhaps none of the other races were close enough so it makes a difference.



Can someone please explain when we’re going to institute serious consequences for shitposting an election. Surely lying with the intent to undermine democracy cannot forever remain a free ride for any asshole with no morals or scruples.

Wait. Fort Bragg? I thought Ft. Drag was located in NC. I guess my grunt friend must’ve been stationed at a different military reservation in NC. Unless he simply had thoughts about his assignment(s) and/or MOS.

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I think groups of ballots are not necessarily secret. For example, my precinct posts the number of votes for each candidate after the election, even if by posting 0 votes for the Peace and Freedom Party candidate technically gives out some info about my vote. I think often voting subtotals for mail-in, in-person, etc are public, but of course the rules are mostly state and local.

I hope they pay a price for invalidating overseas ballots. Why does the NC GOP hate our troops? Also, the intent of the legislators who passed the ID law was never to disqualify overseas ballots. Also, this whole farce is clearly an anti-democratic post hoc attempt at stealing an election because the GOP has moved from being the Anti-Democratic party to being an Antidemocratic Party.