More than a dozen Nobel laureates in economics have endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president, saying that his support of science-backed public health solutions amid the coronavirus pandemic “will result in economic growth that is faster, more robust, and more equitable.”
Nobel prizes, fine. But do they have common sense? Because that’s what the wingnuts claim their heroes have. Palin had common sense, Trump has common sense, all the other loons in the lunatic asylum have the all-important common sense.
While I applaud the endorsements, I am now to the point where I don’t see it making any difference at all. Everyone who would listen to Nobel laureates has already decided.
What blows my mind are the people who are undecided. If they are that stupid or ignorant, what the hell can you do to sway their minds? Either you’re pro-fascist or not. Either you’re pro-racism or not. Either you’re pro-choice or not. Either you enjoy being fleeced by con artists or you don’t. Either you bask in the cesspit of corruption or you don’t. If you’re stupid enough to even think that Trump might be able to “make America great again” and put more money in your pocket while many around you suffer from COVID-19 and the economy tanks, then sorry Honey, but you’re not really a sentient being.