And his kkkabal of white male KKKult priests stand around him as he tells demonstrable, abject lies nodding sagely like he’s the white nationalist Pope and every word is decreed with divine papal infallibility, literally altering reality to conform as uttered.
Is Fat Ass trying to use this “stenographer” Ukraine phone call dodge to cover up his murderous, bloodthirsty betrayal of the Kurds in Syria which he tried to use to cover up the original Ukraine phone call scandal?
So has anyone in the WH read what was released to him? I doubt it. He doesn’t remember what he said, he won’t/can’t read what he said, so it’s Lawdy I hope there’s tapes time!
I wish Joe Biden was on every imaginable show right now pounding on the table and pushing back on these outrageous lies. In my opinion, his candidacy was DOA, he should make it worth something.