Newest Acting State IG Out, Deputy Will Take Over

Stephen Akard, the acting inspector general at the State Department installed after President Donald Trump fired his predecessor, is resigning this week after less than three months on the job.

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Why does this feel like Nixon? ANY oversight of Donald J. Trump that he doesn’t ‘like’ means we are replacing yet ANOTHER IG…or an official that surrounds Donnie. C’mon November!


When he had to recuse on the big cases, he was of no use to Pompeo. (Because as we all know the purpose of an IG is to work for the political appointee at the top.)


Oh, don’t worry about oversight. The Republicans will be all for it, even demanding it, come January 2021.

I’ll leave to you to figure out why.


Let’s back up a second. First, what requires that an agency have an IG? Is there legislation on that? What is an IG’s charge? Then let’s see how that applies to the current situation.

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I’m confused. I thought the State Department now was the private sector. You know, Department of Swagger™?


Audits? We don’t need your stinking audits.
Remember that Mueller was lied to by everybody including the Dipshit in Chief. So his report is in effect 1100 pages detailing obstruction—half of which was lies and “I don’t recall.” “I am unaware of any available” documentation. The other half detailed 9 specific instances of obstruction
If sunlight is the best disinfectant, this administration are vampires and will try to blot out the sun.


There is going to be so much to fix.


As in all things it was brought into being in 1976, perhaps because of Nixon?


Apparently, he was too stressed to be dishonest in two separate government jobs.


The Trump administration’s corruption is so pervasive they’re practically developing antibodies to accountability.


Looks like he was pretty conflicted (what’s new?):

Akard is still listed as the director on the Office of Foreign Missions website, a job he kept while also accepting the acting IG role. House Democrats took issue with that arrangement at the time, writing in a May letter that it will “chill whistleblower disclosures” to have the acting inspector general report to Pompeo in another job.

Akard, who had once worked for Vice President Mike Pence, was forced to recuse himself from ongoing probes touching on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his wife, Susan, after outcry from Democrats.

I guess they haven’t decided whether he was shot trying to escape or committed suicide.


I suppose it’s too much to hope that he was alarmed or strongly disagreed with what is going on in the State Department. That would take a conscience and some degree of patriotism.


This ol’ boy is going to go down hard when his time comes. Hope he ends up in prison for a long time.


He used to work for Pence.
Ergo, no conscience and no degree of patriotism should be inferred.


Somebody must have finally checked his expiration date.


“Deputy Inspector General Diana Shaw will take over…”

I’m already looking forward to her replacement!


OT, but could this be why Trump was so quick to say that the Beirut explosion was an attack? Damn. This is horrible. (NYT)


Beirut updates: Officials knew for years that volatile material was stored at the port but didn’t act, records show. The blast killed more than 100.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 11:42 AM EST
The thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate that Lebanese officials are blaming for a huge explosion that devastated Beirut on Tuesday arrived in the city aboard an ailing, Russian-owned cargo ship that made an unscheduled stop in the city more than six years ago.

Lebanese customs officials wrote letters to the courts at least six times from 2014 to 2017, seeking guidance on how to dispose of the highly combustible material.|


I believe that the current maladministration has appended the following to the job descriptions of all IGs:

Only toadies, sycophants and corrupted pollyannas need apply. See no evil, hear no evil and speak no truth is a requirement. Reporting all whistleblowers is the job. Obstruction is the objective. Lick a boot.


A State Department official told TPM that he is returning to the private sector.

Another future author on the rise.

Also: I was googling Diana Shaw and her linked in page won’t come up, weird that. :roll_eyes:

But I did find this at

Before pursuing a career in government service at DHS OIG, Ms. Shaw spent nearly a decade practicing in the white collar crimes group at a top-tier law firm, where she specialized in internal investigations and compliance counseling.

Ms. Shaw earned her law degree from the University of Southern California and her undergraduate degree from Pepperdine University. She has a Master of Arts in English Literature from Oxford University. She is licensed to practice law in California and the District of Columbia.

Wonder if she took classes from Ken Starr at Pepperdine.