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Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Executive Editor:
A Communist plot to destroy the minds of the children. And impoverish their parents. Obviously.
When high schools finally opened their doors, de Blasio hailed it as “an absolutely amazing moment” in the city’s recovery.
“This is an example of what makes New York City great,” he said at the time. “We did something that other cities around this country could only dream of because we have fought back this pandemic so well for so long.”
This virus makes no compromises and takes no prisoners. He’s having to eat a little crow, but I give him credit for doing the right thing and not going into denial. In FL or the dakotas they’d say, “just a 3% infection rate? Hell, send the kids into the retirement homes.”
But only on Staten Island.
Yes, it’s an awful, terrible decision, but it is the right one.
This virus makes no compromises and takes no prisoners.
You are 100% correct. The sooner the entire country accepts this, the better.
Well done, courageous decision
This was kind of baked into the cake. I’m glad to see de Blasio on top of it though. We’re in for a rough ride so whatever can be done to mitigate should be done.
They never should have been open. Now they’ve probably made it impossible to reopen in the late winter or spring.
I blame a fairly limited set of people. It only takes a few thousand jerks to spoil things for a whole city.
Weird. All other advanced economies, without exception so far as I can tell, have found a way to keep elementary schools open–not least because the evidence shows that elementary schools are not spreading the disease. Meanwhile bars, gyms, restaurants–which do spread Covid–are remaining open. Maybe shutting down the places that spread covid and keeping open the ones that don’t, and are essential to the well-being of thousands of children learning how to read and write and socialize, would be the better way forward. But it’s the USA, I guess, we’ve got to get used to post-First World outcomes.
And if you only got your news from Faux News, you’d see like 5-6 articles on the top of the website going crazy over the COVID spike in NYC…a website that has almost entirely ignored the COVID spikes in red states that has been taking place and growing for weeks now, to the point that their hospital systems are approaching stress failure.
Actually, once our gym was allowed to reopen, it was likely “cleaner” than any school that was open. Everyone was wiping down equipment, wearing masks and, during trainer-led workouts, confined to distanced 8’ x 6’ squares with no shared equipment.
As long as the virus was left unchecked nationally, we were guaranteed to come to this pass: the city is intimately connected to the rest of the nation and the virus can not be permanently controlled here as long as it is allowed to run rampant across the country.
As Donnie and Scott have made clear, a rampant virus is now a matter of federal policy, so there’s no question of anything in this city reopening on a long term basis until after they’re gone.
That’s nice. Did everyone hold their nreath during their workout?
This willful stupidity, where they prattle on about cleaning surfaces while ignoring airborne transmission in normally ventilated indoor spaces, is borderline criminal.
Get all the righteous indignity on that you can there, but gyms have not been shown to lead to cluster infections while schools have.